[A-Central PvP] Clown (US) Semi-Hardcore PvE/PvP

We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild primarily comprised of Multi R1/Gladiator players and Private Server spergs. We’ve seen near everything in this game, be it in Vanilla or Retail, and yet we still wait in eager anticipation of Classic. The heck is wrong with us?

If your goal is to clear content in as efficient a manner as possible in order to better spend your time ranking, world PVPing, or ERPing in the basement of Goldshire Inn, we’re the guild for you.

If you would prefer to spend your time soliciting illicit dwarven feet pics, and not raiding MC for 5 hours, then this is the guild for you.

If your favorite thing in life is graveyard camping streamers in WSG while their legions of twitch viewers cry in a corner, then this is the guild for you.

If you want to, eventually, stand atop the corpse of KT, then this is the guild for you.


Many of our members will be ranking. As such, those of you interested in the Grand Marshall grind will be prioritized. This means that you will be participating in the coordination of our server’s pre-assigned brackets. Rankers will be expected to adhere to their placement within the bracket.

Ranking is encouraged, not required.

Raid Times

Tues/Wed/Thurs 8:30 EST-11 EST. These are our allotted days, though most weeks everything will be completed in a single night.

Loot rules

Loot council - MT priority. We keep detailed spreadsheets.

Do your job, do it well. This is a meritocracy.


Understand your classes rotation, when and when not to use certain cooldowns, etc.

Come prepared. Consumables are required, as are world buffs.

95%+ Raid attendance expected. Emergencies come up and we understand that, but missing several raid nights may cause you to forfeit your spot.

Be ready for World PVP. We will be contesting all World Bosses. If you are logged in, you will be there.

Join and participate in the guild’s Discord server.


High Priority:

  • Holy Paladin

  • Fury/Prot Warrior (Off tanks)

  • Mage

  • Holy Priest (Dwarf)


  • One dedicated feral


  • Anything not listed above

To Apply


For more information, feel free to contact us on Discord.

