A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

Its the people who are creating premades, that are literally trying to cheat the pvp system, so they can get their rank 14 the easiest way possible. When that doesn’t happen, they give up, accept the quick and easy loss, and try again hoping that the other side isn’t a premade. This is currently the alliance view, for the most part. As admitted in a post above. I’m pretty sure it happens on the horde side as well.

The point however is this.

By making premades, and having this issue constantly. You don’t seem to recognize that your the problem in itself. Instead of addressing that problem, you do what exactly. Extend the issue, pointing fingers, assigning blame, on anyone and everyone else, just as long as its not your fault. When you yourself are the root cause of the blame. I don’t care if people troll me on this, simply because, most of you people are kids or adults that are more concerned with what you can get and how fast you can get it, rather than earning it the way it was supposed to be earned. You all created this problem. Deal with it. Both sides won’t ever give up premades, only blizzard/activision can remove it to fix the issue.

Completely player created problem here. Bickering won’t solve it.

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Fair fight?

LOL you are hilarious mr 25-40 percent passive stun resist.

Maybe you should go back to counterstrike?


This is a TERRIBLE idea. It’s just as bad as the dark days of PVP (I call them) when I couldn’t go into AV with my world PVP friends and we all had to solo queue. During this whole time ally were doing their premade thing in AV. Then when in those games I sat there reading toxic chat full of jerks with the occasional whispers from jerks and doing a mind-numbing solo thing. No, terrible.

Retail does a good enough job at making WOW a solo game and that’s why I don’t play it. This is an MMORPG and everyone should be able to play with friends.

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And so true- looked Bruttalis, you can’t go two posts without contradicting yourself, complaining both about constantly losing and bragging about how you always dominate. Complaining about how you don’t stand a chance against premades, and then saying how bad premades are and how they don’t stand a chance against you.

You’re complaining about advantages, but there’s no greater advantage in Vanilla WoW than gear, your bragging is that you can beat more poorly geared players than yourself due to your gear- while complaining that other players are beating you because they are coordinated and better players than you are.

And there’s advantage number one in this grind based game- an excessive, absurd amount of time to throw at getting something through failure.

I don’t know how you can complain about other players when you’re the sweatiest one of all- so much so that you aren’t even bothering to try to play a team game with a team, because that would take more effort than sitting and waiting for others to earn your honour for you.


So as alliance that mainly does pugs, horde pugs dominate alliance pugs in AV (99%), WSG (90%) and AB (80%). I get you get curb stomped by premades, but what is your solution to make it more fair or do you just want to dominate pugs without ever facing a premade?

One of the best fixes is to ban all aliance from bg’s. The game should start with only horde in it, and they can run around the map all alone, and tell their mommy that they are kings of the universe, and be awarded r14 gear for completing the epic journey. That way, you can finally stop complaining about having to fight someone in a bg.


You pretty much have to if your solo queue as horde, I’m on 2 hours of sleep trying to hit rank 14 because 99% of my games are ally premades and all the premades on my server that aren’t just bad are full, ie you gotta know the right people to get in or be a healer. This is forcing me to go phase 2 mode and gank ally endlessly between ques which I hate doing because they shouldn’t be punished fir how terrible the bg system is for horde ranking


I know for a fact you are wrong about this. I played alliance in vanilla, and some guys I worked with were playing horde, and told me about how they were premading AV with 40 mans.

I swear every single time I see this guy make a thread on AV the topic is vastly different than the last time he ranted about it. It’s like you can actively trace what he’s salty about week after week.


That fix works for players who don’t want to group. But what about players who do want to group?

After all, BG is a group competition. And WoW is an MMO, not a solo player game.

Would you do that for dungeon groups? What, you want a tank and a healer? Sorry, we don’t allow that in this game.

But I don’t deny that this is a problem for players that want to enjoy BG play. I can’t argue with that. It is a problem.

Yep, most rank 13s horde side I know are sleep deprived, even those in premades. I feel for you not being able to get into a premade. I know on my server rank 13s tended to get premade priorities but warriors were so common that even the rank 13s didn’t always get spots.

I PUGed in the mornings for weeks while 12-13 even though I premaded. I sat at/near the #1 on my server for 2 weeks and capped on Sunday but this was only due to no sleep. I had 4 days that I don’t remember when I slept but it was probably a total of about 6 hours. A few other rankers were happy when I said I got 3 hours one night as they said they were worried about me having a heart attack and I think they were serious. The reason why is I was their flag carrier and my job was to get the flag as fast as possible. Against PUGs I was able to farm kills but most PUGs turtled so I would end up grabbing the first flag then too. So most matches would end up with me like 8 kills and them like 35 kills. My server had no morning premades until our transfers so I pugged a lot for the extra honor, where I would still flag carry and was happy to see another druid so I wouldn’t have to do it, as the majority druids seem to go into WSG and do their jobs, which is very bad for HPH. AB was a bit better but I’d sometimes get put on like mine defense which is what a druid should be doing really so it wasn’t always great.

Anyway, keep it up, good luck with the PUGGING and when you’re done you can sleep as much as you want. People outside of rankers will always think of you as a crazy person for doing this.

It absolutely did happen back in Vanilla.

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what server you on

Or just reroll to the better faction.

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people wont boycott dont believe alliance when they say botcott av…lol.

My guild is also Boycotting the AB and WSG for the next 8 days

I swear to God I seen this thread like 4 times in the past few months. Same people whining about sucking at pvp and getting rolled by premades.

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Did a little survey of the players in my own guild with who’s into pvp and who isn’t. The spectrum was all the way across the board with one of the most serious players in his 70’s at least that’s what I’m told. I use to be so into pvp in classic original vanilla, but now I’m way more chill, however I get really into wold pvp with a couple friends on the server.

Something I do notice in pvp is a certain palatable rage by horde players that I had previously always kinda associated with the Alliance in times past, you can see it in how they play, who they target how they use coolddowns, how they tunnel vision, that sort of thing. It’s impossible to actually know age groups by action, but usually younger people get angry easier because they lack experience and as much self control.

quit hiding behind your premades skirt and face me for real, I bet id destroy you. you main a mage don’t you, all bad players who need an advantage play mages and alliance has the most mages and hunters from what ive seen in bg’s

Imagine talking crap when you rely entirely on your healer to let you keep mashing your face on the keyboard, and talking crap about mages (who are supposed to counter warriors) while playing one of the strongest races/classes in the game.