A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

Those weren’t exploits, mechanics were working exactly the same as vanilla.

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They become exploits the moment they are exploited. Those things weren’t happening back in vanilla because the community as a whole wasn’t this min-maxed. As such, no fix was needed back then, but they are needed now.

how about you don’t assume how I live my life and ill do the same, personal attacks only expose your own fear of this change. haven’t you farmed enough pugs for free gear yet?

Okay and how are premades pug stomping, a behavior which wasn’t prevalent in vanilla not also an exploit then?

Yeah let’s stop when you are conveniently done with your grind lmfao

No thanks I’m gonna queue when I feel like it

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Lets be real honest here, Horde is the carebear faction now.

It’s the exact opposite of Vanilla. The people who want to play the underdog are alliance now. Everyone went OMG horde 4lyfe. Now you got everyone and their idiot 12 year old brother on your faction. And you wonder why you keep losing?


I keep losing to full rank 12-13 premades while in a group of RANDOMS, some of whom aren’t even rank 5. I still have a 80-90% win rate in my pug games against alliance which is why your faction feels the need to premade, if your faction had good players they would pug like we do. I don’t suckle on the teet of a premade and get carried to easy snoozefest victories against casual players just there to have fun and then think how good I am to myself. I bet hardly anyone on alliance knows the feeling of defeating a full premade with a random group of people, and yet we on horde do it fairly regularly.

because everyone can group up and do it. There is no exploit in grouping in an MMO to achieve tasks together. Sending spies and making games start empty, however, that is not in “the spirit of the game”. It’s not hard to understand really.

You are wrong. Alliance with their insta-queues only need to premade AB as 15 and they have the advantage. Horde MUST premade as 10 to split queue WSG and AB. The trick, for horde, is being in a premade good enough that 10 of us could beat 15 premade alliance, which my premade group did.

Not only that, but you compete vs your faction, so it doesn’t matter how much honor alliance are doing, just how much honor your other fellow horde are. Good alliance premades only needed to play the weekend to hit caps, horde have to play 6 out of 7 days

yes there is, premade groups still actively avoid other premades so they can pug stomp.

You don’t get it, that is why horde is the carebear faction. Your long queue times are the exact same reason as why Alliance had long queue times during Vanilla. It was the carebear faction at launch that everyone flocked to. Everyone flocked to horde in Classic and you became the carebear faction.

That’s also why you lose so much. All the carebears went horde because they thought they’d be better. People went alliance to be the underdog. The exact opposite of vanilla.


Not sure where you are getting that info from. I’ve got my rank 12 target rank 3 weeks ago and haven’t PVP’d since, but we never avoided other premades, I was in a really good one that had no issues with any team. I went 4 days without losing one week.

Racials and whatever else you think is reason horde was chosen by most making them “carebear” is a wrong generalization. The reason I went horde was because I didn’t want to have a ret paladin in my groups/bgs/or raids. And losing is something I almost never did back when I was ranking. I got tons of screen shots of my premade of 10 beating full helmet teams in AB of 15 alliance.

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So the other premades were just giving up when they saw a premade on the other side.

And I have buddies that are ret paladins that have destroyed horde left and right. Premades generally do better period. Regardless of faction and regardless of racials and regardless of classes.

but the reality remains, Horde is the carebear faction. Majority of players picked horde because they thought it would be easier.


For rankers it’s not actually advantageous to have a long drawn out fight between other premades. For alliance, with low queue times it’s actually better honor to lose quickly and go into the next match that’s not against premades.

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Yeah I did have many alliance “roof mades” not even coming out the starting area when they saw us, but at least that was a full 10 v 10 game not games that started 10v1 scout which got filled slowly by solo queuers.

Well yeah, if your friends faced a bad premade they can win. I lost zero times vs premades that had ret paladins. They do nothing better than a holy paladin can.

lol? how can you call yourself the superior faction when you just admitted to throwing games against better teams so you can go fight bad ones……….are you ok up there?

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Horde do the same thing.

The issue is pugs vs premades and has nothing to do with faction.

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Simple fix, remove group queue’s entirely by any and all means. You queue, you cannot join a group or invite anyone to yours. If your in a group, you can’t queue.

No more premades either side, problem fixed. Take your chances with solo queue, no team stacking, no cheating your way around for premade, and they can alternate the slot filling by different open instances of the said bg, to prevent mass queue’s at same time.

Get it back to basics, and build it from there.

People have more than 15 yrs of knowledge, on how to exploit stuff to their advantage and their using that to create premades in battlegrounds for just that reason. This is where all the whining is coming from, both sides. If its not a premade issue, its a issue with the maps. Continually whining about the problem, pointing fingers, doesn’t solve it. Maybe blizzard will fix it, likely not. But until then, what point does having arguments about it solve?


Bruh, how badly do you want your rewards? We all have to deal with things that are a bit less pleasant with Classic’s ranking/PvP system…but this isn’t new information. It’s literally 16 year old information, and you are actively choosing to participate in something that has not changed.


Bingo. On top of that, if you’ve played the same premade 2-3 times in a day, the core chunk of honor per game played has diminished greatly, if not entirely - Why spend 40 minutes sweating over bonus honor alone when you can go next? This has literally nothing to do with players, it has everything to do with how we all chase (or chased, if you’re done) honor per hour.