A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

And they aren’t changing the system entirely- which means Vanilla’s ranking system is purely time based. Where skill comes to play is in how fast you can win/earn honour.

And individual skill, gear, consumes and team coordination are all parts of achieving faster wins. Premades have decided to be good at all four of those- pugs don’t, and thus pugs have to spend far more time.

That’s your choice though- you can either spend more time, or have some social skills and make a team. Your lack of ability to work in a team is on you, not on players that can work as a team.

If you want to be fighting for the same rewards as premades, you will be fighting in the same queue as premades.

And that’s why your analogy of RBG’s to splitting the queues is flawed.

Better players will still get honor at a faster rate than poorer players regardless.

No, it’s entirely reasonable- when they finally split pugs and premades, they split gear rewards too. If you want that split in Vanilla, you deserve the gear split too. It’s that simple.

In any other part of WoW’s history, poor players simply don’t get the gear at all, it’s not a matter of fast or slow it’s simply cut off to you.

Vanilla is the one exception, but because you can get that gear, you’re in the same queues as everyone else going for that gear, and because you are refusing to be good at teamwork you are fighting at a disadvantage you have chosen for yourself.

If there’s a problem it’s not that you get destroyed by premades, it’s that you can get the gear at all as a solo player even if it is by losing nonstop.

What are you talking about? Poor players get tons of gear, and even if they don’t get honor gear they will certainly get rep gear. The blue honor gear is already beaten by pve gear for the most part and plenty of bad players get tons of gear.

They don’t get the top end gear, the premade pvp gear is always well above the welfare pug pvp gear.

Which if they were to split queues, pugs should be limited to rank 10, or the blue gear only.

And? You don’t have to be a good player to get top end pvp gear in a premade either. It’s still purely a function of time played.

And you’ll be spending more time if you refuse to work as a team- welcome to Classic WoW, enjoy your stay.

im faerlina allience and 99% of the pugs i play are horde premades… so idk what your talking about.

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If youre a solo queue’r youre having the same experience regardless of faction with AV being the exception (although queue times kind of offset that one).

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You don’t have to be a good player to keep up in a PVE team environment either, but it sure helps your chances to be apart of the team.


This statement is very ironic coming from someone named Touchmybum.

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Hahaha I was thinking the same, he’s calling horde players younger and immature with a name like that LOL fail.

Horde pugs have been stopping queues that’s why the queue time’s are at 3 mins to 5 even on a Monday. Hopefully we see something happen with this system.

That’s a garbage take. Medal goes to Raise.

Another thread about the dominant faction getting stomped by premades meanwhile ally got a 4+ month long 99% lose rate in av and get stomped by premades twice as hard.

^Some of the things I read from both sides are as dumb as driving nails into water…^

Did ya try passive stun resists? I heard that works

Yes if you choose to solo que and feel you have no chance to hang with a premade stop queing. I for one believe I can win any match through adaptation of tactics based on the enemies strategies. All you powder puff carebears, who want pvp hand outs, please stop queing. In vanilla it was not uncommon for PuGs of dedicated pvp spec players to beat premades. Now everyone just rolls over, even to really bad premades. The weak please stop queing, we don’t want you in lvl 60 pvp. Go sink 2k g into a lvl 19 twink and make yourself feel special!

If you want to solo que and want higher win percentages, roll a healer. 9 times out of ten, the reason a PuG loses is because premades have 3 healers, and pugs are lucky to have one. If you think you are going to win in solo que as a fury warr or combat rogues, you are wrong. Ret Pala brings more to pvp than those two garbage tier pvp specs.

Well toughlove, here’s me responding with my captaincaveman brain. Beneath this thick skull apparantly. Its 9 days late, after all it does take time to think. Have to treat that idea gently as its in a strange place. Now are you done trolling me? Or do you plan on continuing?

What does that sentence even mean?

Nevermind, it boggles the mind just trying to puzzle it out. On with the response:

I’ll put it in simple terms so you can understand. Starting with some history of current classic.

Alliance had 5 months of winning AV from the start, mainly due to them being premade and horde being pug. They had slightly above a 70% win ratio. I should know, because like you, i was a alliance then. They are full of elitist jerks, who troll teammates gears. Pointing fingers for the cause of the loss. And being generally a-holes towards each others, and, yes… they have the loser mentality of, if the match goes past 10 mins. Lets let the horde win so we can queue up into another match.

This is how all the premades started. Because people got tired of losing, so they devised a way to increase their chances greatly, based off the old legacy content, where there were few and far between premades.

The effect of the premades then grew exponentially, among both factions. Why, because both sides got sick of losing to other premades.

IE: Loser aggro is how it started.

Clearly you fall into this category, because the losers (for the most part) are the ones who started with the premades. They wanted something they couldn’t normally aquire in pugs. The very same ones you call hardcore, in the majority. They might not be losers now, because most of them have their rank 14, or are close to it, and they have in all probability, with the countless hours of doing pvp, have actually learned how to play their class. Now they are avoiding AV like the plague. Probably due to the fact that they can’t control the numbers of players, vs their premades on such a large scale.

So if they are such hardcore players. Why aren’t they INSIDE AV? Clearly they’re good enough to win ab and wsg right? So why not av, not hardcore enough?

Was it the premade limit on alliance in AV being dropped to much lower numbers, or was it entirely removed due to how many months of excessive abuse? (I don’t actually recall much of that, as i was checking out new servers to transfer to.) Clearly as a solo player, they have the gear, skill, and consumables to win. But it doesn’t meet their standards because the rest of the 40 man isn’t likewise dedicated to the win as they are. In other words, they didn’t want to lose, because their precious honor per hour would drop. As its not meeting their maximum reward, for their maximum effort as a team player. Their not there to pvp, their there to get their rank and maintain it. At any cost. Except when it comes to that BG. So much for being hardcore. Only suitable when its to your advantage right?

So when all the big alliance people responsible for the AV wins, for alliance side. Changed to a different method, smaller battleground limit more suited to easy wins with their premade. Much better honor per hour as they were not continually in 2 hour struggles to win. Was AV too hardcore for them vs such a large scale pug? Probably… So they went into WSG and AB when it finally came out. And now of course, all alliance people are pointing fingers at the map, and how its to blame for cave respawns, when they originally had a 70% + win ratio in av. The map didn’t change. The horde didn’t change. What did, was the rankers left av behind because it wasn’t suiting their needs. So making excuses about the map, the horde respawn and starting location, is pathetic. Plain and simple. Yes i said it again, because i’m clearly stupid. I just had to be sure that i got the point across. /sarcasm.

In response to all the alliance premades in wsg and ab. Horde picked up the initiative that the alliance created, and met them in both of those bg’s as premades, with even more frequency. With the exception of the solo queue’rs. This is why we have premade issues now, This is clearly a player created problem. Sorry for the history lesson, but as anyone knows history often repeats itself.

So. Your argument is based on hardcore premade players, stomping pugs who aren’t. You value preparation, best talents for your build, best gear for your rank, consumables, and of course have the same expectation of every person in your premade. To better your chances of winning, correct? And you call this hardcore.

I call that obsession. Not dedication, not hardcore, but obsession.

You argue with bodybuilding as your example… thanks for the laugh. First, Its not a team activity. Its a solo mindset, that requires dedication, not hardcore, but dedication. Because dedication is a merit spanning years and decades. It becomes a way of life. The same is true for people of faith. Hardcore, is a term that goes beyond dedication to the extreme, and becomes the word Obsession. In some cases, fanaticism. There are other less friendly, words i could use to describe what you call hardcore.

And when are you going to get it through your thick skull, that i have never said i wanted rank 14, In classic. I said it before, i’ll say it again in simple english.


Learn to read!

Your perception of hardcore is premades, and everything it entails. My perception of hardcore, is earning it the hard way via solo queue’s. I prefer the harder road, because it gives more of a sense of satisfaction and is more rewarding, remembering the journey. Rather than, taking the easy way, by making/joining a premade, and stomping pugs for easy wins. Or giving up to save time, to preserve your precious honor per hour. Your entire argument, seems to me… to be based on ranking and honor per hour. Are you still going to assume i pvp for that? Again?

Sorry for the exceptionally long post folks. But i just had to make myself clear on a few points, as experienced.


Reroll or make your own premades.