A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

People are 1 step away from asking for raid finder at this point. It’s pretty sad.

Private servers had premade prios. But people still got around that by Qing 20-30 ppl all at the same time and still getting in to the same WSGs together, I’ll be it un ideal comp.

I have no doubt that players will work around any “solution”.

There will always be dedicated players who will min/max such a long and soul crushing grind.

What is exactly broken?

It sounds like people are using the tools intentionally made available to play the game as intended. Right?

A lot of the changes that have been made were more than just small little changes, but whatever. The changes show that Blizzard is open to changes whether they are small or large.

The problem is these players are being beaten without having a fighting chance.

What these players don’t understand, is that it’s their repeated actions that are constantly putting themselves at a disadvantage.

A reasonable player would attempt to change their success rate by reflecting on what exactly is involved in winning games. Not by advocating for Blizzard to make changes to a 16 year system that was brought back as a restoration and not a remaster.

Such as?

Are these changes on par with reworking how PVP ranking works in Classic?

You thought you wanted it but you don’t. Anyone could have told you what PVP in Classic would involve before returning.

This is the version of WoW with arguably the worst PVP system. As flawed as it is, it’s a huge part of what makes Classic what it is.

You can’t rework the ranking system and still have it be Classic.

lets be honest here, if they arent gonna ban the bot due to subs than layers were needed for the realms that they were added to, or else people would drop subs. a change to the vanilla pvp system is a much bigger change than you think.

I agree, and with all Battlegrounds this would come down to player game-play strategy/tactics, with exception to AV, a battleground that has factual physical differences that create more positive benefits for one faction over another.

I’m sure you’re probably right.

Some bold assumptions. If you reread my post, we played plenty of premades. We won plenty, we lost some as well. Assuming a GM backpedals and keyboard turns is ignorance.

Lol you’re so desperate to get carried by a premade that you want all other pugs to quit. It gets better and better every week ohh boy.

So is pug stomping and having 5 mages on ur team who are only spamming arcane explosion along with giving up if u go Vs another premade considered effort? Just a question.

aq40 nullifies much of the gear. It will likely help with the overall percentage of premades. Not to mention the people who wanted rank 14 have hit it.

I mean, horde, even more so than alliance, should not care about rank 14 weapons.

The main reason alliance want 14 is for swords.

The fix to premades is already out- make your own premade. You need only find 9, or 14, other players and boom, you have your premades. If you cannot do that in a multi player game that revolves around finding groups to do content, then the problem is you.

And even Blizz can’t fix that.

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Then they should bring out LFR with completely nerfed content but the same rewards- since to a random pug group a nerfed BWL is going to be just as hard, or maybe harder, than normal BWL is to an optimized raid.

But that’s not how it works- you don’t get equal rewards for doing easier content. And it’s far easier to beat an average pug than it is to beat an average premade- if it weren’t you wouldn’t be whining so much about it.

I feel like a ton of pugs on both sides (but more on horde side) have stopped playing bgs, so this boycott however informal it is, has been successful.

I’ve just been checking on queues the past couple of days and horde AB queue is under 5 minutes almost every day for large stretches of time.

Join a premade is not a fix for the problem of the matching system matching premades against pugs.

Yes it is- because there’s no problem with players that join the same queue fighting each other, whether they’re premade or pug.

Blizzard made Vanilla so that premades and pugs are in the same queue, with the same rewards, able to fight each other. This meant that as a pug you could get the best pvp gear, but it’d be a challenge because you’d come across premades.

The moment Blizz separated premades from pugs, they also put the best rewards with the premades and supbar rewards with the pugs. If you want better rewards in every version of the game, you must premade.

The problem isn’t that pugs lose against premades, the problem is that pugs have any chance at all of getting good gear. But you do, and still you complain about it.

Blizz should simply prevent you from gaining honour once you hit rank 10 unless you’re in a premade.

But they also changed RBG’s to a skill based ranking system instead of a time based system.

That would not be the case if they split the queues(or in some way addressed the problem) but left the honor system itself the same.