(A) BWL geared lock looking for guild

Looking for hardcore/semi hardcore guild.
Can make any raid time.
I’ll always have buffs/consumes prior to raid.
Also have a 60 h pally full MC Bis that can swap 2 if needed.

Add me if interested
Discord: Lean#2877
Btag: yungman#11146


I sent you a friend request from Zee on Discord. on Anathema. We run alt-supported BWL/MC splits. Tuesday and Friday. So we would have a spot for both of your toons. Raids are 6:30PM PST. We run a total 60 man roster with about 25 geared 60 alts supporting our primary raid team gearing. We compete for world bosses weekly as well.

Let me know if you would like to talk further.


wtb bump…

Alliance | Heartseeker | Loot Council

Raid Schedule
We have Three raid groups, all raid groups are 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony, 8/8 BWL

Raid 1 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
Raid 2 - Sunday, Monday 8pm-11pm EST
Raid 3 - Monday, Wednesday 9am-1pm EST

Raid 1 - Looking for exceptionally skilled and high dps players.
Raid 2 - Looking for exceptionally skilled & high DPS players.
Raid 3 - open recruitment

Exceptional players of any class are encouraged to apply regardless of class priority need.

About us
We are an extremely experienced group of friends from a few different servers that are back together for Classic, most of us have played since Vanilla and through every expansion, with multiple members having experience from all Vanilla tiers up to and including Kelthuzad.

We strive to kill content in a timely, effective manner while having fun doing so. We are all excited for Classic, and aim to take down the content together. We take raid time seriously and hold everyone to competitive standards. This ensures that your time/consumes/gold are respected to the best of our ability.

As a member you will be expected to be ontime to raids and fully self accountable for consumables, raid strategy, and overall character & raid preparedness. We will have an abundance of resources to help not only you, but all of us together as a raid succeed with information, strategies, theorycrafting, and other general support.

Please do not hesitate to message me with ANY questions, concerns, and/or further clarification. We look forward to killing dragons, getting loot, and making more friends on this long awaited journey!

Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon!

https //discord gg/NrrASr9
Real: Storm#1586, Ozone#1609, Gazerem#1812, Avatar#1341

IDK if this post is old. But invoke has a full time lock spot open.

Hopefully you have found a guild by now man, but if not here yah go :slight_smile:

Found a home already thanks for the offers.