Bump up to the top!
We are still recruiting a arms warrior, survival hunter, Rsham/Ele sham, and a pumper warlock.
Bump it up! Bump Bump Bump
bump to the topppp
we are still recruiting
Bump to the top
Still recruiting exceptional healers, and a few dps spots for next tier, in our main raid!
Excited to meet some new people!
Still openly recruiting!
We are still seeking talented players
Still recruiting talented players for next phase!
Bumpity bump bump bump~!
bumpppp it upp
Still recruiting exceptional players!
We are still recruiting talented players
Bump it to the top
Still looking for a few exceptional players to hit next phase hard with!
We are still openly recruiting
still looking for a great arms warrior, boomkin, warlock, and mage. Any exceptional players are welcome to reach out!
Still recruiting warlocks, mages, and a boomy!