[A] [Blame it on Lag - Sargeras] Mythic Weekend Raiding

Looking for a few more good peeps!

Still looking for some ranged dps and a dk.

Open for recruitment, feel free to take a peek and give us a poke!

Always looking for more good peeps!

always looking for more!

Still looking for some more ranged dps.

always looking for more ranged dps!

Looking for RDPS for 9.1

9.1 is close! Come join us and start together

Looking for more to fill out the roster for 9.1

Looking for more ranged people to push some content with!

Come join us and start 9.1 together! Looking for ranged!

Updated Post for 9.1

Still looking for some ranged dps and that ever elusive mage.

Looking for more!

would love more ranged or a mage!

Still looking for a few more ranged to join us