tea for all
Let’s get this back to the top.
One of Classic’s biggest flaws is that the variety of teas available in the game to to limited.
Should open a tea house in Alterac Valley
Bookmarked this – looks promising. I played a Holy Paladin in Classic from launch until AQ. Then a hunter in Naxx. Was a guild leader/officer in MC and BWL, too. Loot Council is fine. You have to put some measure of trust into the people running the guild. DKP can be abused and/or lead to absurd results. Not joking, a Hunter in my guild won one of the bindings (Thunderfury) because the warriors refused to bid high on it. I wanted to overrule it but people would have revolted.
Anyway, leaning Alliance. Most likely healer. Probably paladin again. Limited spell-set but I’m older and the simpler the better! They also have the unique dynamic of crit heals returning mana and IIRC the developers started putting in better Holy Paladin gear towards the end of Classic. Druid is a possibility, too.
I have limited time, though. Most I would aspire to is Zul Gurub and AQ 20 with the occasional back-up appearance in a 40-man raid. Really enjoyed old school AV so I’ll also spend a lot of time in there. Not sure when I will start playing, though. Thought I might wait a month after the initial crush on launch. Will check back later and see how you all are doing.
Bump for the bump god!
More bumpin for the lovin!
ALL the bump!
More bumping!
Bumping up again
Have another bump!
Bump for classic wow!!!
sleepy time bump
Bump again!
Seems interesting, who do I need to talk to?
You can add us on discord! Bolmung#8403
Bump for the tea house!!
Bump for more tea!
I threw it on the ground!!
Come on and SLAM! and welcome to the JAM!