You can suspect all you want. It’s still creepy that you’ve been so insistent I answer something I’ve stated I have no desire to answer.
I’ve also not even once dismissed any of your arguments because of your faith. Rather, I’ve pointed out why others might see your faith as coloring your opinions. When I’ve dismissed your arguments, it was based on the distortion of facts you’ve used to make those arguments. And I wasn’t dismissing them either; I was pointing out the actual, factual events you were dismissing.
Was being immediately restrained by Xe’ra and having Xe’ra’s goo shoved into him against his will.
It’s also a bit creepy that you’ve gone out of your way to ignore all context involving these two situations, just to find some way to lay the burden of the blame on Illidan’s feet. Do you have some personal vendetta against the edgelord? Did he spend ten thousand years pining for your girlfriend too?
And yet I hadn’t. In spite of you accusing me of having attacked you.
It actually was just that. You can scroll back up and re-read it, so I’m not sure why you’re lying about this.
If that were true, I wouldn’t have actually assessed your arguments and debated their points with you.
Which I did. Until you stopped talking about your own arguments and went right to attempting to mud-sling.
Well, frankly, given the sheer number of false and baseless assumptions you’ve made about me thus far, this one comes as no surprise. Why stop lying now when you can just double down on the lies and make some false accusations that the scroll wheel on your mouse can prove as false, amirite?
You left out the part suggesting why people might like the character? Because you “don’t fully agree” that others might like him for his flaws?
This is where I’d normally ask if you really meant to say what you’ve just said, but I don’t think I have to in this case.
You’ve gone at length to show either a lack of understanding of the concept of consent, or a belief that consent is irrelevant when a holy person is involved.
You’ve gone at length to defend an attacker when their motivation is at least religion-adjacent.
You’ve conflated your own biases as equal to the combined hypothetical opinions of every single atheist (the egotism of that one was pretty bold).
You’ve blamed me for the actions of others in this same thread.
You’ve chosen to take offense at the mere suggestion that your personal views might be tainting your views of a fake video game quasi-religion and called that suggestion a “personal attack” and a “potshot”, dismissed all evidence that disproves your claims.
You’ve continued to push a question I’ve repeatedly stated I don’t wish to answer, going so far as to get insulting over my choice because it’s a choice you don’t like.
So the suggestion that other people might even have opinions and tastes different from your own is something you just disagree with? That tracks. That seems very on-brand for you, given the way you’ve chosen to present yourself thus far. Consent, choice, opinions? These are things you have shown you have no respect for, especially when they involve a fantasy religion. Because clearly you’ve equated fantasy characters believing in a fantasy force in a fantasy setting of a video game franchise as somehow the same as your real-world, actual human being beliefs. You’re actually being offensive to your own beliefs, and you don’t even see it.
Finally, you can call this post a personal attack. It’s a rebuttal to your attacks, an “eye for an eye” if you will, but it’s there. Your desperate desire to have me personally attack you can be claimed to have been met.
Mind you like everything else thus far you’ll have to remove all context, ignore the events that brought us here, pretend that attacking your attacker somehow lays a heavier burden on you than your attacker, and otherwise ignore reality in favor of a fantasy world…
But you’ve got a lot of experience doing all that, so I’m sure you’ll be fine.