A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Either way, there was absolutely ZERO reason for him to be there with a AR-15 rifle. He was just looking for trouble.


Exactly! He was there to “protect” the dealership but he wasn’t asked to, which is motive to cause harm. He went to the protest with the mindset that he was going to posdibly shoot someone looting. That’s cause and motive, he could even get first degree.

Property isn’t worth someone’s life. (Especially property that doesn’t even belong to him to begin with)

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As he should. If it’s your hometown and you’re protecting your property, it might be justifiable if someone didnt provoke a confrontation. He clearly went there looking for trouble, which is scary in of itself.

And it wasn’t even his hometown, so like why travel there knowing a riot is going on?

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That’s where race arguments come in. He clearly thought protecting businesses from protesters was an act of vigilantism, based on racial predjudice.

But there is valid defence that being chased down by 4-5 men made Kyle Rittenhouse believe that he was acting in self defence, but that’s a weak defence when he put himself in the middle of a clash between protesters and anti-protesters and was brandishing an assault rifle.

Anyway, didn’t want to derail. I just hope justice is served because murder is wrong. Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.

The rest of the world rn while watching this trial is probably think about that Jim Jefferies classic comedy sketch on gun control.

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He put himself in a dangerous position by 1) Traveling to Kenosha knowing there is a riot going on and 2) Walking around with a ASSAULT RIFLE.

That just screams I’m looking to provoke a fight


I did, and nearly all of it. And most of your arguments, no offense, have still come across more like your offense comes from a percieved value judgment placed on the Light as Christianity.

“It’s bad because Blizzard is making something that was once (very disputably) purely good and making it bad.” And “It’s bad because these characters portrayed as wrong could instead be portrayed as right.” Those seem to be your main arguments, around which all others fall somewhere into line.

The former hasn’t been the case since arguably WCIII and Arthas, but certainly Vanilla and the Scarlets using the Light. The Light-as-amoral-tool isn’t new. We have plenty of good light users, but we also have bad light users.

The latter argument is a weird one. Sure, Sylvanas could also have been portrayed as a hero when she slaughtered night elves, doing what was best to save the world. That’s a terrible story and somehow Blizz managed to not tell it, but sure they could have. Or they could have written a kinder, gentler Deathwing who shattered the world because he thought we were bored with the other Vanilla layout and wanted to help us out. Or a hugging, emotionally balanced Garrosh, they could have written that story instead.

But they didn’t. And when they wrote a story about the other side of the Light, a side we’ve known about since at least Vanilla, they didn’t decide to depict it as “but also kinda good tho”, because refitting the Windchime who told us day one that everything Illidan did was okay and actually good tho and we were jerks for raiding his house into actually being right? That’s a story, sure, but not a better one. And showing the draenos in an alternate timeline that had already gone way off the rails as falling into deep religious fanaticism and forcefully converting others into the Ori as actually kinda right for doing so is a story they could have written, but not a very good one.

And really, it’s not like we have an abundance of “religion is bad” going on here. Xe’ra and the Lightbound, and their forced conversion? It hasn’t made the most prominent light-wielder any less of a golden angelboy (Zovaal’s mindwashing did that). The paladins of the Silver Hand, Argent Dawn, Argent Crusade and anything not Scarlet? Still shining beacons of good and righteousness, and the most prominent ones talking about the Light. Hell, the one force to somehow manage to both be mentioned during Shadowlands and to come out relatively unharmed by it is the Light.

All we have are hints that somewhere in the future, we might get to see that like the Void, like Death, like Life and the rest, the Light too is amoral, but is still super special in that mostly all of its users are still a force for good.

So yeah, because all of this is already plainly written and not entirely new to anyone, and because you do keep mentioning the religious angle, that does seem to be the crux of the issue for you; a feeling that this somehow is targetting your possible personal beliefs.

Now, regarding this:

If by “has been shifting” you mean “it exists at all”, sure. But when you need a foreigner it’s okay to hate in media, they’re Arabic. If you need a terrorist, they’re Islamic. If you need a comedic side character to make fun of their strange religion and wacky beliefs… Ok, they’re probably Jewish, and Muslims rank third on this one.

The existence now of positive depictions doesn’t wipe away the current and constant negative depictions. I’m not sure what you watch, but I watch a variety of TV shows and movies. “Muslim” is basically treated as a villain achetype, and this isn’t exactly news to most people.


Each of the Cosmic forces are morally ambivalent.

The Light is a force of singularity and tries to drive things towards a state of static negentropy. In limited doses it heals and protects, but too much and really bad stuff happens.

The Void is a force of infinity and tries to drive things towards a state of dynamic entropy. As an analog I see it sort of like uranium. It is super dangerous and toxic and people are scared of it often. It can kill you easily, but if harnessed wisely the power it offers can be used towards good ends.


There’s no racial motivation involved for why he was there, he’s someone who is part of that community and volunteered to help it.

He was absolutely acting in self defense, he was hit over the head multiple times and knocked to the ground, after trying to flee, and didn’t fire shots until he was surrounded.

I hope justice is served through him being found innocent and the prosecutors disbarred. They aren’t allowed to ignore constitutional rights and tamper with evidence.

American citizens are protected under the second amendment and carrying an assault rifle does not justify being attacked.

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He literally isn’t. He crossed state lines from his home state to go to this other, entirely different state.

Also, I totally had this on my forum bingo card. 100%


He lives 15 minutes from the border, it doesn’t take long at all to cross.

Hey Guys, This seems more like a General Discussion tangent .-.


And another 15 minutes from Kenosha from that border. He’s literally still not a part of the community of a place 30 minutes driving distance from him.

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I don’t know anything about Kyle Rittenhouse. I haven’t followed his trial at all.

He’s the guy who allegedly shot into a crowd of BLM protesters, killing at least two people and injuring a couple others. His trial for murder is happening this week. They just finished the closing arguments a couple of days ago, and now it’s in jury deliberation until they reach a verdict.


I think i just vomited 4 time in a row…

‘’ Defending’’ the USA when black people protest but doing nothing when white people do is 100% a form of racist.




They shouldn’t move entirely past that.

The Pantheon of Light should be a diverse group of beings that represent all the separate aspects of the Light:

  • Naaru
  • the Sun-worship of Tauren/Trolls
  • etc

I would like there to be one member of the Pantheon of Light that is normatively “Abrahamic” in some capacity, and rather than reduce Human Church of Light to “Actually it was Naaru, you all worship diluted Draenei religion”, I would like for “Faith-based Light” to be promulgated by this hypothetical Abrahamic Analog.

At the same time, I would like for the Sun-worship to be promulgated by a Tauren/Troll (ie Ethnic Other™) member of the Pantheon of Light, and Moon-worship to be promulgated by a Night Elf centered member of the Pantheon of Light (Elune being a First One).

Solar Pantheon of Light Member being a servant of Anshe and Moon Pantheon of Light Member being a servant of Elune. While Faith-based Pantheon of Light Member “fills in the gap”.

So the Faith-based Light Pantheon Guy does it to support cultures who reject the Light that is in front of them (Moon/Sun).

But I think the “Big Bad” of the Pantheon of Light should be the macrocosmic analog to the Scarlet Crusade, i.e. a metaphor for “Holy Crusade Bad” trope.

I did Shadow Pantheon first for my AU stuff so behold:

Alas, etc.


Your comment makes no sense.

BLM is demonized in many circles.

Yeah i know. Black people protesting for their right is demonised in many white people group.

But attacking the capitol causing a few death is super okay!!!.

Being racist make no sense.


Explain how any of this relates to what you quoted.