A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I was speculating whether time skips can be done well, not saying they can never work. Yrel and the Mag’har situation are an example of a badly written time skip. Note what I said (bold added for emphasis);

You keep making new comments that recycle the same refuted accusations, just as you have done in your latest comment here since, for one, you failed to explain how threads about different things happening to Velen and then Turalyon are making the same arguments.

Explaining how my statements about naaru are essentialism doesn’t make them wrong. And again, why give the Naaru a Void state? Are we going to see Old Gods with a Light state? I don’t want the holy war against the Mag’har to be portrayed as good. I say it’s badly writing and shouldn’t have happened.

My “idea for a better expansion” came from a few minutes of improvisation. I never presented it as good or comprehensive, just better than “Light Crusade”; at this point we’re just both making clashing values judgements.

You claim you understand the difference between skepticism, faith, and not having blind faith… then you keep trying to strawman me as endorsing blind faith; which would be as unfair as - hypothetically speaking - I dismissed all your arguments as being based on your fears for your drug-dealing cousin.

That quoted statement from the Scarlet Onslaught’s founder is backed up by actions including abandoning the Scarlet Crusade’s primary goal; it’s not about them heading to Northrend, but abandoning reclaiming Lorderaen and abandoning the Scarlet Crusade to die. I keep pointing out you’re ignoring actual in-game stuff including the words of the founder words because you’re ignoring the in game stuff that explicitly contradicts your view including her words.

I would stand up for my loved ones against the state depending on the situation and the punishment being presented. And I was talking about confirmed murder, not an ambiguous or unproven “they might be innocent” situation (what happened to the guy who lived near your uncle sounds horrible, but I can’t say more without more information).

You shoot down any imagined possibility that the state could be justified and your loved ones unjustified; I think your close-mindedness here might be due to personal issues given what you said about your drug-dealing cousin.

By the way, have you tried to advise your cousin by pointing out all the harm drugs cause to the users or by pointing out how cutthroat criminal gangs or organized crime can be? A bullet from a criminal is just as deadly as one from a corrupt cop.

Just saying I do something doesn’t make it so. And you do realize that larceny, fraud, aiding and abetting and bribery are serious crimes despite being non-violent? Evoking “non-violent crimes” doesn’t help your case.

Also, why did you bring up trespassing? If you meant Alleria, her actions were closer to sedition.

Can you explain what’s wrong with imprisoning people for using the Void when they’re guests on a warship made and owned by Light worshippers, especially when said person promised the ship’s CO that they’d stop using the Void?

What evidence is there that Xe’ra planned to lock up Alleria for eternity? The Necrolords of Maldraxxus are not exactly good and experiment using necromancy to transmogrify both the willing and unwilling, but they are explicitly noted by Blizzard to not be strictly evil and also serve as the military protectors of the Shadowlands; “rules for thee, but not for me”, eh? Use evidence, not buzzwords. If what you said was true, I say they shouldn’t have made her do those actions in the first place.

Constantly bombarding people with a message doesn’t always work; sometimes, it can have the opposite effect and help drive them to extremism. Plus “edgy nihilist” is a fitting description of Illidan and Sylvanas (especially the latter who literally helped to try tear down the cosmos because she’s afraid of dying). Your views about religious characters sound balanced… but could you name some names?

I strongly suspect at least one of the heroic (for now) Light-wielding characters you named who doesn’t get villain-batted will either apostatize or be killed off.

The cult of Forgotten Shadows has been portrayed as increasingly heroic, and the jury’s still out on An’she’s and the Earthmother’s existence and nature. Since Blizzard pulled back from villain-batting Voodoo homages (Bwonsamdi is even portrayed as between a trickster and heroic) and Shamanism wasn’t always portrayed as villainous even going back to Warcraft 3 - the belief being opposed was the demon worship Gul’dan and the Burning Legion introduced to their society, why expect complaints? How have those religions been treated poorly? Also, none of them got an entire expansion dedicated to them being villains.

The Scarlet Crusade call to mind the stereotypical image of the Knights Templar and also various Islamic militant groups like the Taliban and ISIS (Scarlet Crusade want Lorderaen, ISIS wants a Caliphate). And I didn’t oppose their existence and portrayal, including when they were used for potshots at megachurches and Prosperity theology in Wrath.

By the way, what real-life religion do the Void worshipping cultists supposedly parallel for me to be supposedly passively/tacitly accepting or encouraging their demonization?