A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

You just made a new thread complaining about Blizzard’s use of time skips after you’ve spent over a month in this thread complaining about the Draenor time skip and how it seemingly robbed you of a chance to have a “legitimate” reason for Yrel to engage in genocide against the Mag’har. And look, nobody else seems to agree with your premise that time skips are inherently lazy writing. Some even express desires for another time skip in the MU.

You keep making new threads that recycle your bad arguments. Just as you do in this in this thread and have in the past 10+ threads you’ve made in just about as many months.

If you don’t want to be accused of the things you do, stop proving me right by continuously doing them.

I understand what “essentialist” means when I use it, and you’re engaging in/promoting essentialist depictions of naruu. You want Xe’ra to be portrayed as good, but not infallible simply because she is a narruu. In contradiction of what we’ve seen from her. In contradiction of what the Devs have said about her. You want her forcible conversion and genocide to be portrayed as good, in contradiction of it’s previous depictions. All because you want being “good” and not villainous to be an essential trait of the naruu.

You even go on to equate the dichotomy between the Light and the Void to be one of good vs evil, when that is explicitly not the way it’s been shown to work in universe. Again, because you want the Light to be essentially good and you want to the Void to be essentially bad.

There’s no need to blame AU Xe’ra for MU Xe’ra’s actions. Both have done bad things.

You tried to explain why a Blizzard run Light Crusade expansion would be worse than your idea then used the exact same writing elements you criticized Blizzard for. Retcons, bad writing, and villain batting with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Your idea is not only “not good”, it’s not any better either.

I understand the difference between skepticism, faith, and not having blind faith. You don’t. That’s why you took a dev statement about the fact that Velen doesn’t have blind faith, and is skeptical of Xe’ra after having noticed her lies and incorrectly claimed it as evidence he’s being set up to lose his faith in the Light entirely. I understand that skepticism about Xe’ra and those she manipulates is not a total blanket condemnation of the Light, the naruu, the draenei, or religion/faith in general. You don’t.

Indeed, the Onslaught and Crusade are largely functionally the same because outside of that statement, they are. The quoted statement is directly contradicted by all the things we actually see happening in the game. We’ve seen members of the Scarlet Crusade operating outside of the Lordaeron before, so being solely restricted to that theater is not a hard and fast rule for them either. I keep pointing out you’re ignoring the actual in game stuff that explicitly contradicts his words because you’re ignoring the in game stuff that explicitly contradicts his words.

I have actually protested against and testified before my state congressmen about unfair punishments for non-violent drug offenders. While advising my cousin not to illegally sell cannabinoids (not based on moral opposition, but because I know how unfair the state can be to black men) and I haven’t reported them to the authorities. And I don’t even partake myself. So yes. I would and I have.

As far as a murder charge- that also depends on the circumstances of the case. Nobody in my family has been convicted of murder, but my uncle lives down the road from someone who was sent to death row for murder by the state, only for it to later be revealed he was innocent the whole time. This was possible because his friends and loved ones disagreed with the state’s decision and fought it for decades. If it were my family, I’d have done so too.

And no, I wouldn’t defend the state imprisoning someone, let alone for life, for the simple act of trespassing.

You, however haven’t answered whether or not you would stand up for your loved ones against the state. Not even theoretically. You even shoot down any imagined possibility the state could be unjust. You even try to use the fact that because Xe’ra owns the ship, that she’s thereby justified in setting any rule she chooses and meting out any punishment she deems fit, and everyone’s just supposed to go along with that because of her inherent authority.

I mean, you and Turalyon can go on and allow “authorities” to do whatever they want to you and your loved ones, including indefinite imprisonment for non-violent “crimes” based on their own hypocritical whims. You can even support said authority’s unjust decisions and try to defend their right to judge/punish you by whatever unjust standards they want.

But that’s not defiance. And it’s not changing authorities’ minds, as you falsely claim it to be. Turalyon has never defied Xe’ra and you do argue in support of blind obedience to authority.

Xe’ra can be a jerkass/strawman with a point and still be a villain. Xe’ra has already been shown as an example of someone who wants to forcibly transmogrify people, lock up people for an eternity for non-violent crimes, and her AU incarnation engages in genocide. She’s gone beyond “jerk” or simple “strawman”.

And if you think Blizzard should turn her from being a villain by trying to justify her actions as being “for the greater good”, that puts you and Xe’ra in the same boat as BfA Sylvanas. Along with BC era Illidan, many of the “edgy nihilists” people you seem to despise and the many other people who really need to constantly be bombarded with an “Extremism is not good” until it actually sinks in.

There’s some religious individuals I’d like to see properly portrayed as villains. Plenty I think should be portrayed as non-villainous or even heroic as well. I think religiosity in and of itself has little to do with the matter. It’s their actions.

If one were going to criticize Blizzard’s handling of religion, they shouldn’t start with the Light, of which its villainous examples are few. Even in a Light Crusade expansion, the Light is unlikely to come off wholly as villainous. As mentioned before, characters like Anduin, Velen, Calia, and others are very safe.

If one wants to actually address Blizzard’s portrayal of religions in a poor light, they’d instead be pointing to how much more often members of faiths like the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, Shamanism as practiced by Quillboar, Gnolls and some Orcs, Troll Voodoo, the faith of the Drust. Even the Tauren get shafted when it’s shown that figures they revere like the Earthmother and An’she either just plain don’t even exist and are actually something else entirely that don’t really give them much consideration.

But you haven’t shown any concern about those instances, even though Blizzard utilizes reglisions like Shamanism and Voodoo without even bothering to change the names of the religions and in the case of Voodoo, the names of some divinities. You seem unable or unwilling to speak on these connections.

Even in the case of more obvious references like the obvious similarities between the Scarlets and various real world historical Christian groups, you chose to compare them to Islam.

You don’t actually care about religions being demonized in WoW or fiction. You’ll even passively/tacitly accept it and encourage it. You just conflate the Light with Christianity- seemingly representing your ideals regarding proper religion/authority- and insist it be uniquely presented as the one morally good cosmological force in WoW.

And apparently in all media and the world in general.