[A-Barthilas] <Elwynns Elite> PVP Guild GMT+10

Hello to my fellow Barthilas Alliance lads.
Looking to shred in PVP for Shadowlands? Then this guild is for you.
We have several 2.2+exp players, and are currently looking for more to do rbgs & arenas. We are also considering forming a raiding group(s) as PVE is often times BIS for PVP. Focus is on Shadow Lands preparation, and alt leveling, and pvp shenanigans. The elite (2.2k exp+) will have access to free guild repairs. We accept anyone though, particularly because Barth ally is desolate and an isolating experience.
Feel free to send me a message in game (Dot, Wet, Stab), on discord (Vegowolf
#9156), or apply through the guild finder under PVP category.
See you guys around! Peace.