[A] - Ashkandi (PvE US East) <Mail Enhancement> Prog: Sun/Mon/Tues & Casual: Tues/Thurs

[A] - Ashkandi (PvE US East) Prog: Sun/Mon/Tues & Casual: Tues/Thurs

Mail Enhancement supports two raid groups now seeking team members.

As Classic progresses, players like you want to take advantage of all the new content you find interesting - and that means having a good group of people to play with.

For many of us, that means joining a guild, but finding the perfect one can be a daunting process. And it’s a process you want to get reasonably right the first time because that means less time looking for a group and more time playing in a group (i.e. happier gameplay).

Mail Enhancement is a family-oriented 550+ member (211 level 60’s) Classic incarnation of a popular Vanilla-era guild. We are seeking new members for both of our raid teams.

Our more business-like “Prog Team” is ISO a Hunter (top priority), Shadow Priest and 1-2 Mages. The Prog Team currently has MC and BWL on farm raiding two nights - Su/Mo 8ish-11pm EST and when our realm’s AQ gates open on 08/16 we will be adding a Tuesday raid. Loot system is Soft Reserve administered by a Google Docs form.

Our more casual “Molten Core Swim Team’ is ISO 3-4 priest or pally healers, a dwarf priest, 2-3 Rogues and 7 more DPS Spots. Our current roster is a combination of Prog Team alts and guild member mains with the occasional pug. MCST is fun oriented but respects raiders time. The MCST raids Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11pm EST with MC, Ony and ZG on farm and BWL to Nefarian. Loot system is Soft Reserve administered by a Google Docs form.

Aside from leveling and clearing content what are you looking for from the game?

Given that we believe we have knowledgeable and experienced players who can teach game skills, we consider the foundation of Mail Enhancement to be the character of our people. As they say in the Marines - We are Looking for a Few Good… um… characters.

For our raid teams we are prioritizing a cooperative team spirit, raid time reliability – but with an understanding that RL comes first, individual initiative with regard to preparation (consumables, knowing your class, role, reading up on the fights), and speaking up when you need help from the team with attunements, farming your resist set, and so-forth.

The bottom line is we want good solid reliable friendly people and we don’t really care a whole lot what your experience level is, how many pieces of Tier you have equipped, or if you play primarily retail or Classic.

We can teach skills and we believe we have created a fun and motivational culture that can help get you up to speed on little things like gear. But we can’t teach character. That’s something either your mom and dad or life experience did for you - or didn’t.

Be aware we do not mass invite. Each of our existing members was vetted by someone on our team. Either we did a brief but substantive “interview” with that person or pugged a dungeon or raid with them (or they are the spouse or child of a member). And speaking of families and kids – our Guild Chat is generally PG(ish) but we do have a Discord channel where you don’t need to be concerned about corrupting our nation’s youth.

So if you think a guild like this is what you seek, the process is to message a member and do something with us. Chat with us, join one of our guild runs.

Let’s talk. Let’s play. Message me or an officer (listed below) in game today!

Contact Info:

My B-Tag is: username#1967 and you can reach me on Discord @ Gevalt#1386

Guild leader is: Havilah

Prog Team raid leads are: Havilah & Nymphadorraa
MCST raid leads are: Lika, Kheeper and Cbunny

Officers include: Blackbush, Carabetra, Corlogan, Cbunny, Deathilia, Kheeper, Lika, Nattybumppo, Nostrilitus, Nymphadorraa, Sneakius, Wetzel & Zahzi

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Thanks for reading, everyone =)

Last week I tried to recruit for < Mail Enhancement > with innuendo laden Trade spam. It was hard.

[ ba dum tss ]

We are actually very pleased that thanks to last week’s forum post, the guild has picked up some new members. Our casual raid team (Molten Core Swim Team) should now be good on warlocks and hunters. MCST is still looking for pally and priest healers with rogues and a few other DPS welcome to raid with us.

The Prog Team still seeks a progression oriented Hunter (top priority) as well as a Shadow Priest and 1-2 Mages.

< Mail Enhancement > is proud to be widely recognized as the most “hardcore buffing guild” on Ashkandi. Can you press buttons that glow? Yes?

Then join us!