{A} Any RP-PvP guilds around?

Currently chatting with some friends about the prospect of starting our own thing up for Dragonflight, but I do groups and tournament support for a PvP community, so leading RP events as well on the regular would just be too much to put on my plate. If there’s anything out there already…

Looking for something either casual - mercenary - or very loose military style.
Almost all of my characters are either Ren’dorei, or Alliance Darkfallen - usually former San’layn. I have a small squad of Worgen and Night Elves as well, but want to focus on my goth elves for a while.

Being LGBT+ Friendly is a must.


Heya! I hope you find what you are looking for! I am not in this guild, but I have known the guild leader for many years, and know that they are kind, fair and passionate about RP-PVP.


Hi there! If you are still looking for a guild then I figured I may as well throw mine out there. :slight_smile:

Bound by Honor is a neutral RP guild that offers civilian and militant themes, as well as PvE content runs. We aren’t that active in the PvP scene, but perhaps with someone that enjoys it in the guild that would change :slight_smile:

If you’d like more info you can head over to our forums post here. Any questions that aren’t answered there feel free to direct at me or find one of our officers in game!