(A) 9/10 H Holy Priest + Ret Pally LF guild

About us:

We’re a married couple who recently returned to wow prior to the launch of shadowlands. We’re up to 9/10 H progress but we are having some issues with our raid group’s level of dedication and are looking for a better fit.

We’re looking for a guild that is finishing heroic and thinking about pushing mythic, we don’t need or want a US top 500 guild even, but a guild that takes raiding time seriously where everyone shows up, fully commits, and gives focus and effort would be ideal.

What we bring to raids:

Ilvl 207
9/10 H experience
Purple and orange Ilvl parses for every fight
Consistently decent mechanics execution or ability to figure it out
100% attendance on any schedule
Contributing via feasts, cauldrons, codex, etc

What we’re looking for in a raid group

Prefer to stay alliance
Similar progression
Consistent attendance from the membership
A consistent effort from the membership
Full consumables used consistently
Personal accountability - if someone messes up we’d like them to say my bad and work on figuring it out the same way we do. Radio silence and the same mistakes repeatedly feels bad.
100% spots for ret paladin and holy priest. We are looking solely for a ret pally and holy priest spot.

It’s too bad you guys are alliance. I feel like there would be lots of opportunity on horde side. Goodluck in your search!

Hey there, I’m with Dogecoin on Bleeding Hollow (Horde). We’re currently 9/10 H, looking to fill out a couple spots for mythic. Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm est. If that works for you or you’d like to discuss further, you can message me at:
Battletag - Adam#14502
Discord - Adam#7838

We prefer to stay alliance, but we would change for the right fit.

Well if you’re looking for a guild that will allow lots of free time but takes raid time seriously consider us.
We are US Bleeding hollow [H] We raid Sunday’s 6-10 PM EST I started this guild for people like myself with families jobs etc. To kill bosses on a minimal time commitment. We are currently 9/10 H and looking to push as far as we can this tier

Add me on discord if you’re interested

We feel like one night a week would be less than desirable for us. Basically we would end up really bored. We pretty much enjoy raiding more than any other activity in this game and we don’t have the time constraints that would cause this to be a good fit. So sorry! It’s awesome that you’re doing this and I know a lot of people this would appeal to! :slight_smile:

If you’d be open to Horde, check the spam:

Hiya :smiley:

If you decide on checking out Horde guilds, we’d be totally interested and are looking for a 4th core healer and oddly enough a retribution paladin (so our holy can go mistweaver). I won’t spam or anything, but just check out our recruitment information below on wowprogress.

We’re 2 nights a week, with an optional/alt Sunday night raid. We’re older, so relaxed in the drama sense but everyone comes prepared and motivated to raid. Feel free to msg me if you’d like more info, contact info at the link below. GL in your search regardless!


Same as the others, if youre looking for horde we are 10/10H on spirestone looking to add a few more to get into mythic. We’re a bunch of returning friends coming back for shadowlands, so only thing holding us back is getting a few more bodies. add me poppin#1246 if you wanna talk

forgot to add 6-9 PST T/TH

Unbroken Alliance est in 2009 is lfm committed players for raids and mythic plus keys in sl. Currently seeking dps and heals We have two raid grps Tue Wed 730pm to 10pm .Fri and Sat 730pm to 10pm est. We are a casual group seeking like people who want to see the content and down the bosses and have fun doing it. Our motto is real life is more important than game life. You wont be punished if u cant make a raid…its life:D We have raiders from ages 20 to 80. All ages are welcome here. So if u are seeking a no drama guild with lots of perks and want to down content in sl hit us up:D Ureka#1269 or pst me at Urekka-Stormrage or Padock-Stormrage. And as always everyone is welcome here from levels one to 120. Have an awesome day:D

Hi! We’re 9/10H making great progression on Sire and should have him down this week. We also run 10/10 alt runs in normal on Tuesdays. Our raid times are 9-12pm EST and we run heroic Thursday and Fridays. Fun guild that will do pvp and keys as well if you’re interested.

For more info or if you’d like to join message me on discord. k1ngw0rth#3729