[A] 8/10M Weekend Mornings | LF Spriest, Balance Druid, War

Still lfm.

Now 6/10 LFM pumpers to push council!

Bump. 10chars.

Need a few more to finish out CE this tier. Join us!

Pandas get benefits.

Let me tell you somethin’ BROTHER, if you’re lookin to raid at the butt crack of dawn WE are the team for YOU. Here in the Ring of Peace, we get down to business and we have FUN. All. The. Time. And… we got PERKS. And not your lame normal run of the mill perks either. Real perks, great perks - the biggest. DOUBLE. GUILD. REPAIRS. Feelin down because you’re only half way through the raid day, and guild repairs are about to run out? Not here in the Ring of Peace! Server resets at 10, and with it so do guild repairs! Boy, do I just LOVE raiding in the morning! Not a morning person, and wanna complain about it? Great news, neither are we! Join the crew and we can whine about it over a McGriddle.


I’m not a morning person at all but I love waking up every Saturday and Sunday morning to raid with the team. Come on let’s go get Cutting Edge!

join the hat cult

If you wish to stare into our beautiful warriors eyes, this is the place for you <3

Yo come kill council and sludge and all these mythic pieces with us! We want you!

Come join us pls :slight_smile:

If u want to kill big baddies come thru

we have burritos join the cult

This is commander Piranoth and this is my favourite group on the Citadel.

One of our tanks is Santa but he goes by Yummydaddy. That’s right.


If you trial with us you get a complimentary party hat.

Don’t wear the hat.

Don’t sweat the app process, it’s nothin major! But it is required D:

I never received my hat.