[A] 7/8H Resto Druid LF Weekend Guild

Hey there, I am a 7/8 Heroic resto druid who is looking for a weekend guild. I am available Fri/Sat/Sun so can be any combination. I am looking for a chill guild to raid with.

Please contact me on Discord: Tumblerone#7136 or post here

Hey Sophrel,

I messaged you on discord also. We are a weekend raiding guild on Sargeras that raids on Saturdays and Sundays starting at 7pm Central. We also do lots of m+ runs during off nights. We are looking for a Resto Druid to join our raid team. We are 6/8H EP and we were 7/9M BoD. If you are interested, you can contact me on Bnet - Cethin#11676 or on Discord - Cethin#8340.