[A] 4/12M tank looking for home

Longtime tank looking to return to raiding full force looking for a home on the alliance. Experience back to tBC both hardcore and casual at different times, 469 DH and 461 MONK but ultimately willing to play whatever tank. Available 8pm pst or later

Hey Alchomilk!

Morning Brew is looking for a Tank to round out our current roster. We are horde and a morning guild that offers a unique time slot for those interested. If you would like to chat feel free to reach out!

Bnet: Cen#11694
Discord: Cen#5348

[H] Morning Brew 7/12M 12/12H

Raid Times: 9am-12pm EST | >Wed/Thurs/Friday
Optional Monday Alt run 9am-12pm EST

Recruitment Needs
Tanks - DK, Paladin, Warrior, Monk, DH
Ranged – Warlock
Melee – DH
Healer – Resto Sham