[A] 387 rogue lf guild

Hi guys, after hitting 387 ilvl with low keys and dailies I’d like to find a guild where I can join the raid and run higher keys with. Please leave a comment in Btag or tell me something about your guild and I will get back to you! Thanks!

bnet - Asuna#13819 come have a chat.
we are a fresh guild but happy to help gear etc. on Barth/horde.

Hey Gullystab - not sure if youre still looking but…

[A - Saurfang] Cryptic: Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are Mon & Wed. 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST.
Current Prog as of 23/6/19: 9/9H BoD, 2/2N 1/2H CoS
Recruiting specifically DPS and Tanks.

PvP Madness Saturday nights 8PM ST onwards.
- Includes: warmode adventures, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking

Mythic+'s and Arenas are run throughout the week.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya.

Hope you have an awesome day!

Hi Gullystab,

If you are still on the lookout for a guild, take a look at our post and add us on bnet for a chat.



'hemingways gun’ is an old guild on the joined realms of Khazgoroth and Dath’Remar. We raid one night a week on Sunday night, 8 to 11, Sydney time. During the week we do mythics and other such fun stuff. We are 9/9H2/2H

Bnet is Xaki#1258 if you wanna know more.

Hey there Gully, ‘Blood and Tears’ is a guild reforming in 8.2 with the mindset of having fun and clearing content. We will focus on normal and heroic raids, as well as running keys for those sweet purples! Our raid times are Wed/Fri 8-11pm (AEST) and we are located on Frostmourne Ally. If youd like a chat add me on bnet :slight_smile: Rakruar#1507

Hey! [A] ‘Dragons Bane’ (Caelestrasz) is a new and fast growing guild! We are aiming to push high M+ keys with a dedicated team, as well as build a raid team for 8.2! We are super social as well and there’s almost always someone online.

My Btag: NullAndVoid#11168
One of our officers Btag: Blakuz#1797

Hi Gully,

Regenesis is recruiting! We are looking for more DPS and Healers to build up our core raiding team.

Raid nights are on Wed and Sun at 8 pm -10 pm GMT+8 and our focus is on Heroic Raids. We are currently on 9/9H BOD and hope to obtain AOTC for 8.2 and beyond.

We are a group of adults who want to have fun with raiding but understand that real life comes before WoW. Interested parties would be given a trial prior to a guild invite.

Please contact Bnet: Irza#1306 (Discord: Irza#6220) or Bnet: Gekkogirl#1482 for more details =)

Hey Goth :smiley:

is your guild a casual/social guild? My bf and I are looking for a friendly new guild. It’s always more fun playing with friends! We are on Barth already.

Add me and we can chat of you like :slight_smile:

Hey there!
Ataxyia on Barthilas (H) might be just what your looking for! raiding wed/thurs 7.30-10.30pm SVT We are a very active guild full of friendly/social people with a good sense of humor.
M+ on a daily basis, ‘drunk run’ raid on friday nights open for all, and some PVP fun on the side also!
Feel free to add me on BNET for a chat if this may be of interest to you :slight_smile: