[A] 3/10M healer LF guild

Hey, I am a 3/10M healer that raids with a US guild despite being based in Singapore (GMT+8). I main rsham in that guild but am in the process of gearing up a holy pally and am interested in joining a guild in Oce to raid with.

I would prefer a weekday raid of 2-3 nights between 730pm-12am GMT+8.

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You might want to check us out! Just a short run down we are a 2/10M guild and we raid Mon/Wed and optional Sun at the times you have specified (2030hrs - 2330hrs gmt+8). We are also looking for an R.sham to continue our prog with. if you don’t mind sticking with us through hungering, I believe we will be an ideal guild for you. Do check us out!

Best regards,
BranBiscuits#1686 (BNet)
BrandyBiscuits#6452 (Discord)


Just wanna update that we are 3/10M now, I am the guy above hehe

Hey man,

If you are interested hit me up in discord to discuss further. Discord: Neatly#4480

Singapore guild 4/10 M actually progress on xymox!


Hello! I’m recruiting for Frostbone <2/10M> +8 GMT. We’re based in Perth with people in Melbourne, Singapore, and Queensland with more from all over. We raid on Thursdays + Mondays 9pm - 12am SVT which is roughly 6pm Singapore time.

We’re looking for one more resto shaman to finish out our healer comp and we think you’d be perfect! If you’d like to discuss more feel free to add me on Discord! :slight_smile:


Hello there, 6/10m guild very interested in your posting, hunter#17618 btag me at your earliest convenience and or at discord mistweave#6557

5/10M, raiding Sat/Sun 1-5pm Svt (Cut to 1-4:30pm SVT). With current Daylight savings, it’s 10am - 2pm ( 10am - 1:30pm ) SGT
If interested, do add Apoc#3333 on Discord.

Hello we are looking for a healer to join our main progression raid. We raid twice a week Wed/Thur GMT+8, 9PM to 12AM we are 4/10M. Our guild is focused on our community so we try to do more than just raiding (M+, RBG etc)

If you are still looking and interested to find out more about us. Please feel free to contact me
Discord: Faeia#6907 / Bnet: FAEth#6907

Hey mate,
Copy pasting a wall of text below. Sorry for spam. Have a read though and see if we are what you are after. Progging counsil this week and should be the kill then onto sludge. We are a new guild. (4weeks old or so and smashing it) jump in early before we get that Hall of fame attention hahaha
Send a message to our GM if interested wpuld be great to have you on board

Alliance, Frostmourne

Now Recruiting for Castle Nathria

10/10 H. 6/10 M Castle Nathria

                 Raid Schedule: 

Monday: 7:45 pm – 12:15 am server time (GMT+10)
Wednesday: 7:45 pm – 12:15 am server time (GMT +10)
Sunday: 7:30 pm – 12:30 am server time
(GMT +10)

You must be able to make the core raid nights reliably. Real life does exist - all we ask is that you give us as notice of attendance.

             What we expect from you: 

Discord and a working mic are required

You must be able to take constructive criticism, take ownership over your level of play and mistakes, and be willing to put in the effort to be counted an asset to the team.

We do not take people wasting Raid time lightly. We all have families, careers, or studies, so consideration of other players’ time is important. To that end, all raiders should be ready for invites before raid begins and come to prepared with consumables (food, flask, potions, runes). We do provide feats and couldrens, but this is not to be taken advantage of. We also expect everyone to be using potions.

Finally, we expect all raiders to read up on upcoming encounters and their role within them before the first pull of the boss. We prefer players who can not only follow a strategy but are also capable of thinking on their feet and adapting without being constantly reminded throughout the encounter. Above all, though, we expect you to own your mistakes and learn from them, do not pass blame, self reflection on what you could have done better in the situation is first and foremost.

        What we are looking for: 

Heals – All Exceptional healers considered, shaman/Hpally preferred.

Ranged DPS – Exceptional RDPS considered.

Melee DPS – Unholy DK but Exceptional players considered

Tanks – not actively recruiting

Exceptional players of any class and spec should always feel free to apply. Our roster is somewhat flexible so we will never turn away a great player - we just want the best 20+ people in our raid so we can progress.

Our trial period is 2 weeks and in that time we consider several factors - performance, situational awareness, attendance, attitude towards raid encounters and wipes, and how well you fit into the raid team.

           Mythic Keystones: 

We run Mythic + most days of the week. For some of us pushing high level keys is our primary WoW focus, but we also strive to make sure our raiders are getting their capped weekly rewards.

            Player Vs Player 

Looking for more players to push raited battlegrounds with, days we run are flexible and are made when there is enough interest.
More than a few of us regularly push arena getting above 2k rating.

Please contact our recruitment officers for further information.
