Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall. Myself and a few others have gone to great lengths to keep fighting the roster boss and keep this train rolling. We got 8/8M Uldir pre % nerfs and have gotten off to a solid start so far in Dazar but the raider dropoff is staggering at this point. Hoping to take my best 8-10 longtime raiders into a new home / merge. All of us average 70+ parses, very strong mechanics, and positive raid attitudes. We are only looking for same prog or better and most would consider us a “late night” weekday guild (9ish CST or later). If that sounds like something that could work for your guild please leave your btag below and I’ll reach out. We have A LOT of toons on Alliance side and would prefer to stay there.
Hey we might have something to offer you guys - We are alliance and we might be able to offer you guys something pretty decent … come chat with me - Missbree#11106
Looking forward to talking with you BigDroodz, We are Rice Crispies on US-Baelgun same progression and we have a great team besides a few we need to replace. Definitely talk with me if you can. Sparky#12792
I realize you want similar progression, but we also got hit with the roster boss over the holidays in December and have had trouble recovering with consistent players. Would love to chat and see if we would work out as a good fit for one another.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord
Hi Bigdroodz,
My guild, Phoenix Vanguard, is looking to fill out our ranks a bit and believe that being friendly and helping each other out are important. We raid weekly (Tues/Wed - 9pm-12am EST), do M+ usually on Fridays and Sundays (but if we’re on we’re usually up for whatever), we do PvP as well but that’s on a pretty loose schedule. We are a raid progression guild (9/9N 6/9H BoD) but to say that is all we are would be selling ourselves short. We are looking to push into mythic raiding but are not a CE focused guild. In fact, the reason we’re filling out our ranks is due to part of our raid team not wanting to progress into mythic. We intend to finish AOTC and then keep moving forward. Currently, we could accommodate your entire group as we have class/spec flexible raiders. If you are interested or would like to know more just let me know! Delirium#11294 or KiwiTiger#11312