[A] 223 Ret + 222 Havoc looking for guild

My friend and I are on a dead server, looking for a good guild to transfer to. I’m a 223 ilvl Ret Paladin (occasional Prot offspec), he’s a 222 ilvl Havoc DH (frequent Vengeance for keystones). We’re both 10/10 AOTC, very little Mythic Nathria experience since no guilds on our server raid it. For whatever it’s worth, our typical top parses on warcraftlogs are in the 80-90% range for each heroic fight.

We’re looking for an active guild with nice people to do raids and keystones with. Would ideally like to be on a team together that makes progress in Mythic 9.1 raids, but I know it’s tough to find 2 melee dps spots.

Are there any guilds recruiting here that have a couple melee spots that we could apply to?

We are looking for a ret pally and havoc DH for our raid team. Add me @Bryarken#1391 on Btag. We’re 4/10M, semi-casual, raid tue and thurs 7-10 server (pacific time).

Hey Alestormm,
Here’s our guild info hit me up if you can make the times!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Tried adding you a couple days ago but either I did something wrong or you haven’t been around yet to see it. Let me know :slight_smile:

Times are a bit too late probably, still considering it though