[A] 210 fire mage LFG

Hi Arilian,
I would definitely give us a look, sounds like we have a lot of what you are looking for! We are a group of chill people who like to joke around and have fun on raid nights, but we are serious about progressing. Raid times are 7:30-10pm EST on Weds/Fri. Server group is Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood (Alliance). We arent going to rage at a wipe or a low parse, but we do want the guild as a whole to improve and grow so we can continue pushing content. As of yesterday we are 7/10H (and 10/10N of course). We plan to eventually get to mythic CN once the guild as a whole is ready for that. If you haven’t raided much we are more than happy to help you learn fights.
For M+ we are running +12’s currently and are trying to work our way up to +15’s for the mount.
We also have a bunch of people who enjoy achievements and mount/transmog collecting and often have weekend runs of those kinds of things if you like that too. Tonight we are doing an optional guild run of normal Nathria for achievements, for example.
If interested hit me up on Bnet: Vanahae#1159
Or discord: Onari#3270
