Holy crap. People sure do get their panties in a twist over how others want to spend their money, huh?
But, but but…
But, nothing. If I want to set fire to $200 just to feel the warmth, more power to me. Y’all have never spent $200 on something you like though, have ya?
Of course not. Spending $200 on a subjectively fun thing in life is nuts, yeah?
Many people in this thread own a computer, car, watch, PHONE, shoes, or who knows what else that are worth many multiples of $200. Shoot, you folks have options on your car that cost more than $200. More than $500. Some people use a gorram computer mouse that costs more than $200.
And you all are going to go on and on and on about what a terrible, heinous, horrible thing it is to have a $200 option in a game. Which, incidentally, is only a “$200 option” if you’re a solo player in it for the rewards. If you use the program as intended, it’s a $0 option.
When, exactly, did I take the crazy train to the bizzarro universe? Shoot, you guys would friggin cruicfy me if you saw my Tag Heuer. Optionally, I purchased an expensive watch that really isn’t even that expensive with compared with five- and six-figure models. OH MY GOD!!111!!one!!11oneone!!eleven.
All you iPhone carryin’, GeForce 2080 usin’ hypocrites LOL.