[A] 10/11H AOTC Weekend Raiding Guild LF DPS for Raid and M+

Guardian dropped quickly this morning and we are on to learning what the fates have scribed for us. Could really use a DK and a holy paladin. Open to others as well.

Two more bosses down. We beat the loom and then thawed out KT. Now its just time for the dark lady herself. Looking for a few more people to join the great team for the rest of the tier and the rest of the tier.

Seeking healer and dps to dance with the dark lady.

Dark lady is calling. Will you answer and help down her? Reach out to me if interested.

The banshee is ready to die. Looking for a solid tank for raid and m+. Have room for solid dps to join the team as well.

The banshee is dead. Looking to fill out the roster a bit. Message me if you are interested.

Looking for a meat shield to help protect the raid from the bosses.

Still looking for a main tank to tank farm this tier and progress next tier. Bonus if you like to tank M+ as we have quite a few people who enjoy pushing that.

Could use a warrior to help fill out the team.

Got an open spot for a warrior and a tank (any spec).

Looking for a tank to tank raid and some m+. This could be long term spot for the right tank.

Still have a couple of spots to fill for the next tier.

We have a rare opportunity where we are recruiting a healer or two to fill some spots. These spots are almost never available. So reach out if you are interested.

Still looking for a healer and a couple of dps. If you want to test the team reach out as we run alt heroic run on Fridays for fun now.

Searching for a solid healer and a couple of dps to round out the team going into 9.2. Looking strong for the next tier and should be a ton of fun. Reach out if you are interested or have any questions.

Do you like kickin butt and taken names? Then we might be looking for you for the raid team.

If you fancy a little healing we might be looking for you. Please reach out to chat if you are interested.

Still looking for dance partners.

Wishing for a healer to join the crew :slight_smile:

Once upon a dream a ranged dps or two would apply. But who knows.