[A] 1-2 day new raiding guild - AOTC + mythic prog


A few buddies are getting together and creating a new raiding guild. Apparently the itch is alive and our mains aren’t scratching it alone so we are looking to raid under new roles on our alts as well! We are looking to raid 1-2 nights a week and clear as many mythic bosses as we can. If you have an alt you’d like to do this with or you just can’t commit to the time requirements of most guilds this could be the place for you. Re-rolls are acceptable! Right now we are recruiting all roles and classes.

What we expect - short and sweet
Competent players - This will not be a carry group. Everyone should know their class and perform at a reasonable level.

What you should except
Drama free - This is a game and will be treated as such. Banter is of course acceptable but if you are bringing the morale down, you’re gone. We play for fun.
Timely kills - No reason we can’t knock out heroic in a few hours. We’d like to see mythic bosses on our alts too!
2 days max - Looking at Mon,Wed,Fri or Sat anywhere from 5PM-10PM CST. We will choose what is best for the group overall. Potential for raiding later on the weekends if that’s what works out!
Casual but successful raid environment

Add my disc or bnet if you’re interested or drop a message below.

disc - BurntPoptarts#1117
bnet -rundown#1278
