95% of the top of the arena ladder is alliance. Something needs to be done about the human racial



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I’ve made this point before but I’m going to say it again

All top guilds in the world are horde, almost all top pvp players in the world are alliance, this skews the data because the highest skill most tryhard players will pick what is best, are they top of the ladder because they are top of the ladder players playing alliance or are they top of the ladder because their racial puts them there? Its the former. If Progress or Numen were alliance they would still be up there. If Snutz and chan were orcs, they’d still be up there…as evidenced

Lets say hypothetically I created a performance enhancing drug that increased your output by 0.1% and it was scientifically backed and every current top athlete in the world decided to start using it, would that mean that my drug is too powerful vs other drugs with an 0.1% advantage?

If the impact was big enough, that a large majority feels forced to use “your drug”, it would mean it is too powerful. You are only trying to mislead with a seemingly small chance of “0.1%”. The impact of a free trinket proc is much larger for dps specs, especially for those who rely on burst/damage spikes.

The human racial is by far far the best dps racial, no doubt about it. Depending on the setup, being human or non human can easily make a difference of 100+ rating for most players.

Yeah, I mean theyre multi-multi-giga R1 all these years in every version of the game & blizzcon champions.

I agree its not as huge of a stat difference people assume it to be, but especially as we get into s11 human runs double pve trinket and its nutso difference. S9 comparison to orc for example is a lot closer than the rest of Cata.

there’s absolutely no potential source u could ever give for this so i’m going to assume u just completely made it up

if my drug was 0.01% effective the majority of top athletes would never take the risk not to take it, why would they?

The hunter is ideally human in that comp.

I vividly remember ending my sub when they introduced same faction BGs and removed the last remaining advantage of playing alliance during TBC. They didn’t nerf horde racials or buff alliance racials, they simply came up with a different solution.

Thus, I don’t expect humans to be nerfed any time soon, and I think complaining about racials is ridiculous. I STILL feel nothing stomping horde BG after horde BG after horde BG because of how badly alliance got shafted during TBC.


There is no provable number in this whole discussion. This is a speculation based on my experience, just like any other statement regarding this topic. However, we could exemplary caculate the average burst differences with and without a trinket proc (e.g. pvp trinket with ~1k/1.6k mainstat). Without specific calculation, it should be like 5-10% more damage for maximum burst windows, like a mage/rog opener. Any game around this threshhold of being close to killing a target can easily be impacted by this factor, resulting in rating differences. How much exactly is speculation, since its dependand on comp, skill level/mmr/ choice of trinkets and many other things.

https: ironforge.pro pvp leaderboards archive season-4 US 3

Take a look at these results from TBC and tell me alliance were “shafted”. OP is right. Alliance had amazing racial combos in TBC. The data supports it.

Where was this thread during wotlk lol. Its been like 80%+ ally since wrath arenas especially closer to end of xpac.

They didn’t change it in wrath, not gonna change now.

it takes a higher level of maturity to appreciate them, really.

Cultured WoW players play dead humans.


It is exciting to run into something other than double human comp. Last night’s low mmr arena tally:
18 Human
4 Orc
4 Undead
2 Troll
1 Worgen
1 Draenei (same team as the Worgen, lol)

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Only benefit of playing Alliance in TBC: “Knowing Horde have to wait on ques”

:skull: :skull: :skull:

are u just gonna ignore how horde was so massively overrepresented in classic pvp that blizzard literally had to add horde vs horde BGs lmfaooooooooooooo

Retail was like that too.

Why I don’t know how serious to take the mass horde exodus to alliance.

Later wow showed the opposite.

Let’s have it epic bg night for its weekly quest. Alliance was popping. 40 players out one run into the next.

While on horde say It be say 200 of them.

5 teams of 40. We pull the first 40. Now the other 4 teams wait.

Why retail got merc mode. To add some alliance numbers lol. And that was with emfh in bfa/sl.

Now some would go but it’s arena! Yeah, arena players too come to slum it in pugs too. Or give up that conquest. Player choice.

Alliance didn’t que and are overrepresented in premade BGs. Alliance even went around Blizzard’s no premade policy by organizing Discords that took the BG information and automatically linked people in voice coms on Alliance Discord premade servers. :skull:

just wait till later patches where alliance pvp players struggle to clear raids for the best gear

“horde bully alliance so hard that alliance had to resort to PREMADES for a few weeks”
oh my gosh the INDIGNITY
i’m sure the 90 year queue times horde had is no indication for the faction balance either. and everyone calls classic merc mode horde vs horde I don’t even know what to call it if not that, that might also be some kind of indication of something

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And if we get it…lfr to do that.

I have no favored side, I roll both.

But in retail, horde lfr was fine. I never really hated it.

Alliance lfr had me hate life in general, however.

Sl hid nice some pvp useful stuff in raid that took lfr runs.

At first not boa. Alliance build up would make even masochists go damn, there can be too much pain.

When boa in later patches I ran lfr horde. And there was much rejoicing,