9.2.5 have two achievements that is very very likely to be limited time only

Most of these seems incredibly simple and easy to do. Many already have most/all of them done even.

Also I see no reason why Blizzard would remove these in 10.0 and beyond so some of the “harder” ones (really only flawless 16 torghast layers which those of us on the far right side of the bell curve have had done for weeks now) people new or further on the left of the bell curve of skill can get around to down the line.

My only hope with some of the new ones is that alts count towards progress. For example, I have all 4 covs to 80 on most of my active toons, but only 1 toon each has bothered to get rank 5 and do the sanctum special content. While no longer that big of a deal, it would be lame if I had to bother building those out again on 1 toon just for achievement sake.

You will gain another 26 ilvls in 9.2.5. Tower Ranger will become much easier.

I’m pretty close to finishing it, just need a few achievs for Tower Ranger and the Ember Court achieve… which both were in-line to do soon™ anyway. xD

I’m just looking at this now, I know there are a few Account wide ones, but the convent specific ones like “be our guest” and “things to do when you are dead” all need to be done on the same toon? I have not seen anything that says yes or no to this.

I don’t see why. Anyone can go back and do that stuff later.

Instead of warning people it might be removed, giving Blizz ideas, why not push for these things to NOT be removed?

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Neither title interest me all that much so whatever, if you want them cool, but again, neither really appeals to me.

It’s Clark, he is probably just trolling or white knighting like he always does, I’ve learned which forum posters to take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

I have roughly 90% of Veilstrider done on 1 character. I just have a few Maldraxxus and Revendreath achievements to go and definitely can do that in 6+ months.

Honestly, the only thing this does is make me sad I wasn’t able to get the Valewalker title in Legion by doing stuff for Val’sharah and Nightborne.

Like I really care for the achievement. Why would I have to run around like headless chicken to do any of it. I made my choice and I am sticking with it.

One of them feels like the champion of Azeroth achievement for all R4 essences.

You act like getting high achievements is hard. I haven’t gone after achievements since MoP, when the isle of thunder had a bunch of random achievements and I couldn’t be bothered. I have high achieves, and haven’t cared about getting them since then. I do passively get ones for raiding/rep though.