9.2 PTR giga holy buffs

Very nice buffs. Prayer of Healing is almost there as a viable option. It can edge out FC throughput wise with more Sanctifies, the mana efficiency just needs boosted a bit more either through reduced mana cost or potency (preferred) of either PoH and/or Sanctify. I would oom in about half the time with PoH/Prayer Circle as opposed to FC/Heal. Now it will be in ~75% of the time, it’s closer.

I completely forgot to mention this change since the spell is still worthless. % of missing mana recovery is bad, feels bad and always will be bad, even with some cooldown stuff slapped ontop. Please change it so it gives a flat % mana back or make it into a proper DR spell.

Symbol of Hope cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 5 minutes) and channel time reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds).


Well, I guess it’s time to switch to Holy after all these years. Disc just doesn’t cut it in M+ with pugs anymore, the damage we do is negligible when playing catch-up all the time because people not doing mechanics or missing interrupts… I enjoy the Disc play style, but Holy is looking a lot less stressful now lol. Time to hit Torghast I suppose… bleh

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Just out of curiosity, this means you think holy will pull ahead of disc in 9.2 and be a more worthwhile spec to play? I have been getting a priest up to par and haven’t been able to decide between disc and holy. It seems like holy is getting a lot of good attention come 9.2 and I keep hearing dissenting about disc so I’m just looking into more opinions.

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Yeah, i have mained Disc since MoP, and it was/and is pretty good in dungeons when in a guild group, etc. But, I don’t have the time I used to have so I will just hop on a couple times a week and PuG a few dungeons, and it can vary so wildly with the groups. You can be in one group where your atonement healing is sufficient and lets you play how you are supposed to be playing(damage to heal through atonement, with some Shadowmends here and there) to just basically SM spamming and drinking after every pull… If you are just spamming heals and not getting the chance to heal through atonement you might as well play Holy… Idk, Disc doesn’t even do good dps baseline at all anymore through all the nerfs we have received to our dps. I would just go Holy if I were you, at least that way you know you are sufficiently healing your party.


The changes to the talents themselves are an ok start and the throughput needs to be increased by more like 15%-20% imo.

thats what i dont get…blizz hasnt shown much love for disc. its an extremely hard spec to play in comparison to the others. if their going to buff these throughput healers even more (when their HPS is pretty much comparable) then maybe its time to start counting utility spells like barrier in parses in a zero sum healing game.


So I played around a bit on the PTR testing the Night Fae Legendary to get some up to date feedback. It’s default behavior is the Mask automatically goes to you and you have to hit the NF key again to send your faerie to another target.

Divine Hymn Reset Time:
NF Lego + 2x Fae Guardians = 1 min 52s reset
2x Fae Guardians (no Lego) = 2 min 12s reset

Difference: -20s

Wrathful Faerie Mana returns
By default your Mask puts the -50% CDR bonus on you so you have to hit the key again to send the Mask to a hostile target to give you the double mana return.

It applies a separate +0.5% mana return each time the target is hit so you’ll get +1% of your mana back every 1s (internal cd)… so 11k+ mana back each time you use Fae Guardians will be pretty big

Guardian Faerie
This one is tricky to use, but you have to just put a PWS on the target, don’t flash heal, and hit your key. They’ll get a separate -20% damage reduction buff that stacks up to -40%. Only way to apply this to yourself is to flash heal somebody else and then Mask yourself.

Overall the biggest potential is with the double mana returns. Mana management is going to be a lot less of an issue when you’re getting 20% of your mana back every 1.5 minutes.

So it’s something we can be flexible with. 2 minute Divine Hymns or double mana returns.

With 2 minute Hymns + 3 min Salvs (tier set bonus) and a 10% healing buff we’re going to be dropping some fatty HPS in raids.

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From today’s log…

Pallid Command’s (Necrolord Runecarving Power) Rattling Mage’s Unholy Bolt damage has been reduced by 40%, and Brooding Cleric’s Stitch Wounds healing has been reduced by 5%.
Holy Word: Serenity mana cost reduced to 2.5% (was 4%).
Holy Word: Sanctify mana cost reduced to 3.5% (was 5%).
Afterlife (Talent) now has an additional effect – As a Spirit of Redemption, you may cast Resurrection, which ends the Spirit of Redemption. Afterlife’s Resurrection cast time is 6 seconds and Afterlife now prevents combat resurrections on the Priest for 30 seconds after using Resurrection.

Necrolord Shadow Priest pretty much just got murdered…

The mana reduction on Serenity & Sanctify is pretty big as we’ll be casting Holy Words more often with the 2 piece. Sanctify will cost the same amount of mana as Flash Heal and Serenity as Heal.

If we also got a -0.5% reduction on Flash Heal/Heal it will be reduce the mana issues with the spec by a lot.

The Afterlife talent change is basically a PvP knee jerk. They should completely change it to something else at this point.

Unholy Bolt does around 10% of my damage on single-target, so this would take it down to 6% of my damage. Maybe they are doing that to compensate for the fact that we’ll have two legendaries.

Unfortunately, no apparent plans to address the increasingly convoluted and awkward rotation.

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Thanks for the testing summary!

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I am guessing that with the revised text for the new Afterlife talent, this effect now overrides the legendary cape effect. So a priest cant enter into Spirit of Redemption, resurrect an ally, then be resurrected him/herself by the cape.

I am guessing that with the revised text for the new Afterlife talent, this effect now overrides the legendary cape effect. So a priest cant enter into Spirit of Redemption, resurrect an ally, then be resurrected him/herself by the cape.

I understood it differently. The text refers to combat rezzes, so I am thinking rezzes cast by people currently in combat (DKs, Druids, etc.).

Sorry, here is the text of the new build:

Increases the duration of Spirit of Redemption by 50% and the range of its spells by 50%. As a Spirit of Redemption, you may sacrifice your spirit to Resurrect an ally, putting yourself to rest.

The “putting yourself to rest” bit makes me think it is a forced death, and therefore doesn’t allow the potentiality of the cape popping you back up.

Well, we got our official patch day, and I’m genuinely curious what direction Holy Priest are going to be taking now.

Will we be folding into the Prayer of Healing route or using the same Flash Concentration build? Will that +10% healing buff put us in the throughput tier as Monks or was it that our baseline healing was too low on the PTR? Too soon to tell.

Either way we got a lot of buffs to look forward too and then the next expansion.

M+Stonk = Holy goes UP (actually might be one of the highest dps healers and they wont be using flash concentation.)
Raiding Stonk = No change -even if throughput increase relativel to others desirability/Meta will not change
Pvp Stonk = Holy goes up

next patch holy will probably be in its best place its been in for several xpacs. It will probably not be meta for raids/M+ however.

UGH…I don’t really like boon. Just feels weird and awkward to use.

Takes a bit of practice, but I just activate Boon → Blast → Nova x2 → repeat until it’s done. It’s best to do it at the start of the pulls and to remember that 150% of the damage you deal heals people around you.

Also, I’m wondering how long until Holy Priests get nerfed in arena because on the PTR I can crit heal myself for 50k+ w/ Resonant Words & 60% bonus from 4-piece stacking. Then you get 35% of trail of light + 20% binding heals…

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I feel the same way, thought about going back to nerco. I lose more people when I try and boon.

Holy’s time to shine!!

Guess its time to get used to boom :frowning:

I will miss you NF, boo hoo

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