9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

Perhaps the blizzard team could consider releasing the actual content and quality of life changes they’ve been working on for patch 9.1.5 as soon as possible (haven’t heard anything regarding pvp changes btw- at least not regarding what the entire pvp community wants) I don’t think most people would mind waiting a bit longer just for the customization options to be released. There’s lots of requests that still haven’t been addressed. I understand you can’t do all of them, but since you were initially saying your focus was going to be on updating the lightforged draenei and nightborne, can you at least take a little bit of extra time going through the feedback on both of these races and try to implement the requests you see the most of? I’m really pleased to see you have been listening to some nightborne requests, but there are many major flaws in the design & we would like to see these things fixed before it goes live. As for the lightforged Draenei, I haven’t really seen much communication regarding them and you haven’t added anything else after your initial announcement. Please understand customization is very important to many players, and like I said before, I’m sure most people wouldn’t mind waiting a bit longer for the customization to be done right.

he made a great list summarizing a lot of the players wants
Feel free to browse through the threads regarding lightforged draenei Lightforged / Draenei customization Feedback Thread. Currently the new options are lacking in fantasy & nightborne as well https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feedback-nightborne-customization/1083676
As I said, I understand implementing everything the players want isn’t realistic right now, but please browse through and take a look at the few things that stand out to you as you read through these forums. I hope to see customization options for other allied races in the future too when you guys get to them.