9/10m 226 hpal

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Atrophy - Stormrage [Alliance] 9/10M CE each tier since Legion, Multi glads, +2k IO players. Thur/Sun/Mon 7:30-10:30pm EST raid times. Looking to expand our strong roster with even better players. Syan#1437 if you are interested

leaving the spam

Check us out!! (H) Area52 <Pillars> 10/10M LF Exceptional Healer

Got CE 2 days ago, but our holy pally is stepping down due to RL. Uncommon Sense is an Alliance guild on Proudmoore. We raid Tues/Wed/Thurs from 5-8 pm PST (8-11 pm EST). For more information about Uncommon Sense, please visit our Discord: https://discord.gg/uyEe57p

If you are willing to go Alliance, add me on btag: AROSE#1208 or discord: Sagrada#4734. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hey, we are looking for an Hpal for our roster. Got CE a while ago and have been able to consistently rekill Sire (something a lot of guilds are struggling with). We are weekdays, but check us out.
Recruitment Post

We need another Hpal add me ifyou want to talk

[H][US] [Lethon] 8/10 M We raid Thursday and Monday 9PM - 12PM EST. We provide Combat pots, flasks and feasts throughout raid time. We will pay for sever transfers. Looking for healers and range dps. PM Discord Zeroes#8856 or in game kappazero-lethon

Vice [H] Area-52 is looking for a healer.

Raid Times:
Friday and Saturday 9-12pm EST


Bnet Contact:

Hello we are a Alliance raiding guild Fearfulways currently 9/10M working on Denathrius on phase 2, was wondering if you’d be interested in joining us to finish this tier and continue on to tier 2.

Raid Schedule Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11pm est

Add me on discord to chat: Fearmaky#9857

Let me know please.

Good morning. I know raid times are a little later as we are on a EST server but if you don’t mind staying a little later. Currently looking for great attitude and dedicated players to their class. We are 10/10 mythic

Realm: [H] US-Zul’Jin
Guild Name: Delusions of Grandeur (DoG)
Realm Time-zone: EST

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday – 9:15pm-1215am Server Standard Time
Raid style: Hardcore on a casual schedule. What does that mean? We clear cutting edge content on short raid schedule. Showing up raid-ready, at the instance, and ready to kill bosses makes the time we have go smoothly. We take minimal breaks during the raid. Currently We are focused on Having a solid roster for CE in 9.1


About Us:
Fore score and Warlords of Draenor ago, Delusions of Grandeur killed Archimonde for its first Cutting Edge achievement as a group. Although some of DoG’s core have been pushing content since the Throne of Thunder days, HFC is where the guild made its splash as top guild on US-Runetotem.
Cutting Edge Achievements:
· Archimonde (Hellfire Citadel)
· Gul’dan (The Nighthold)
· Argus the Unmaker (Antorus)
Every season, we host a Rated Battleground group on Friday nights that is normally centered around winning and having a few cocktails/beers (if that is your thing). Our best season was BFA Season 1 when we reached the 2100 bracket.

What about the pluses? (Mythic Plus). Our core group has been pushing the M+ brackets since Legion (5k+ Raider IO Scores) with our most recent team reaching the 4500+ score this past BFA season. We fully intend on pushing high keys and are always looking for more to join our M+ ranks.

Discord Community and In-Game Activities:
Our Discord is used for all guild activities as well as a source of information with many of WoW’s community pages. We have bots set up for WoWheadNews and Raidbot sims. If you like spinning on the 1s and 2s, we also have a DJ set up for you to listen to with your group.
Raid Strategy, absence postings and plenty of memes are also located all across our Discord Community.

If it sounds like your interests align with DoG, please feel free to let our Talent Manager, Ripabrewski, know! He can be contacted in BNET using the tag Strictlyrip#1836 or his discord at Ripabrewski#8526 or you can contact me on discord at Kelsar#8406

Howdy, Retirement Sanctuary is a bunch of old raiders clinging to the progression dream. Our goal is to clear all the content (Cutting Edge), on a more relaxed schedule than the good ole days.

Realm: Illidan Horde
Raiding Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30-10:30 PST
Recruiting: Healers in high demand, but all roles (even tanks) will be considered!
Progression: 8/10 Mythic, just starting on SLG

We are also recruiting what we call ‘flex’ raiders, who may not be available every raid night. Since we’re old retired people, we know that sometimes your walker breaks down and you can’t make it to raid. Flex raiders are lower priority to get in on progression kills, but can pretty freely come in on farm bosses.

In short, our mission is to clear mythic raids without sacrificing fun. Please reach out via discord!

Discord Admins: (otou#7657), (Shuttlecasts#8052), (Zinnin#1337), (Aidmaro

We are Inexorable Brutality[8/10M] Currently recruiting committed raiders to push back into CE, we achieved Cutting Edge in Nyalotha as a part of our former guild that we split from going into Shadowlands and are nearing Cutting Edge again this tier with goals of future also reaching CE in further tiers. We are seeking exceptional and dedicated raiders to commit to the team while also having fun together as a team. We are located on Emerald Dream[Alliance] and raid Wednesday/Friday 8-11 server/central. Discord:Merker#0172.