9/10H 210lvl Unholy Dk Or 209 Lock Looking for Guild

updated with current ilvl and progress.

still speaking with interested guilds.

About Us. :slight_smile:
This guild came to fruition after a couple of friends wanted a fun raiding experience while also being competitive. We are currently building a mythic roster for CN with just a few spots left. We are located on Bleeding Hollow /horde

Raid Times
Wednesday & Thursday
10:00pm - 2:00am EST

10/10 Normal
9/10 Heroic

What We Want From Our Raiders
-Great Attendance
-Friendly Attitude
-Knowledge of Encounters
-Raid Awareness

Trial period lasts 4-6 raid nights. Afterwards, Officers will assess overall performance. Trial periods may be extended in certain cases.

We are currently in need of :
Tank: Prot Pally
Healers: Closed
Ranged and Melee: Closed/1 WW Monk or UH DK (Open to outstanding applicants)

We are currently looking for members to perfect our mythic roster.

Required Add-ons:
DBM or BigWigs

If interested message Asuna#9953 on discord

Sanitize is a Mythic raiding guild that is dedicated to achieving CE every tier from here on out. After our late forming under the name of Two Piece and a Biscuit, we finished Nyalotha 11/12M in a little over 4 months time. We have the skill, mindset, dedication and motivation to grow a loyal and skilled group of players who are wanting to achieve CE under a relaxed atmosphere.

Currently recruiting:
UH DK, (High)
Boomkin, (High)
Holy Paladin, (High)
Resto Shaman, (High)
Resto Druid, (High)
Shadow/Holy Priest, (Medium)
Warrior DPS, (Medium)

**All exceptional raiders are welcomed and offered a trial. **

Raid Times:
Tuesday 9-12 EST
Thursdays 9-12 EST
Friday 9-12 EST (Optional Heroic)

We do have a more casual group of players who raid Heroic only on the weekend if mythic is not something you’re up for.

We also have quite the group of M+ pushers in the guild that are on various times of the day and week. If you like to push Keys we have the people who will push with you.

If this sounds like the type of atmosphere you are interested in and want to contact us about a trial or for more information, please don’t hesitate to add myself or our GM on Btag.
GM/RL: Shel, Shel#1608.
Officer: Enzine, Levi#1494.

Guild and Server: Prideful - Mal’Ganis

Needs: Unholy DK, Marksmanship Hunter, Affliction Warlock, and any other Exceptional DPS!

Requirements: Previous Mythic Raid experience, dedication to progression, good attitude

Application: prideful.gg/wow/

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 7-10pm CST

Current Progression: 10/10H CN

Recruitment Contact(s): JoshSmile#4014 (discord) or Fiveoh#3143 (discord)

Storm is a Horde mythic raiding guild located on Area 52 US. Originally formed in late 2004 on Gilneas, the guild transferred to Sargeras for recruitment purposes. The guild is now located on Area 52.

We consider ourselves semi-hardcore as our ultimate goal is a cutting edge achievement each tier. We expect every member to have researched their class / spec / encounters etc and make quick adjustments to ensure lower pull counts. Raid spots are earned by each member and we do not recruit for the bench.

We aim to achieve a cutting edge achievement each tier if it is attainable within our raiding hours.

-Raid Times-

Main Raids: Tue / Wed 8:30p-11:30p (ET)(SERVER)

Optional: Thurs / Mon 8:30p-11:30p (ET)(SERVER)

-Recruitment Needs-

Tank: Closed

Melee: Any

Ranged: Any

Healer: Any

-Shadowlands Progression-

Castle Nathria - 10/10N 9/10H

-BFA Progression-

Ny’alotha, the Waking City - 12/12M (CE)

The Eternal Palace - 7/8M

Crucible of Storms - 2/2H

Battle of Dazar’alor - 9/9M (CE)

Uldir, Halls of Control - 8/8M (CE)

-Legion Progression-

Antorus the Burning Throne - 11/11M (CE)

Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M

Nighthold - 10/10M (CE)

Trial of Valor - 2/3M

Emerald Nightmare - 7/7M (CE)

-Raiding Requirements-

18 years of age or older

Working Mic / Ability to communicate in raids via Discord voice chat

Previous Mythic Raiding Experience

Consistent Main Raid Attendance

Semi-quick learning curve / Mechanics Execution

Positive attitude / Willingness to want to be in the raid

-Application Process-

requires a short application and discord interview before joining the guild for a trial.

The application can be found here:


We typically review applications 2-3 times per week. If you do not receive a response back within 1 week of applying, assume your application was declined or cancelled.

-Valid Contact Points-

Panhu#11240 (BNET) - GM

Panhu#0477 (Discord)

Rynzler#11268 (BNET) - Officer

Rynzler#2573 (Discord)

Irosamm#1160 (BNET) - Officer

messaging you all today.

Hey Noxx,

We could use either class, with a slight preference for ranged.

Style on Sargeras is looking for solid dps as we push further into mythic CN. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-11 EST and are currently 2/10 M.

Full spiel below:

Our goal in Shadowlands is to get Cutting Edge at a timely manner within the small raid days and time with no overtime raiding.

Raid Schedule

Tues/Wed 7-10 CST (Server Time) with invites going out 15 mins before raid.

Optional alt raid on Thursday same time.

Previous Raid Progression

Tomb of Sargeras- 8/9M

Antorus the Burning Throne- 10/11M

Uldir- 8/8M

Battle of Dazar’alor- 8/9M

Current Raid Progression

Castle Nathria- 10/10 N, 9/10 H, 2/10M

What we are looking for

  • Melee & Range DPS (No Hunters)
  • DPS with healer offspec
  • Competent DPS applications are always welcome to apply

Our Expectaions

We expect our raiders to be on point with keeping up with their class and specs to be able to play at the maximum level possible

We also expect our raiders to have 90% attendance given our raid days and times

We expect our raiders to be prepared by at least knowing how the boss fights works either by reading or watching a video on the boss to have some understanding

Be able to do mechanics when asked to

Push yourself to be your best

Keep up with current content

Addon Requirements

  • Bigwigs or DBM
  • Exorsus Raid Tools
  • Weakauras
  • RC LootCouncil

If you are interested in applying

https:// forms.gle/KrRJqs7LAbrwRBNaA(there is a space after the //)

Please have logs

If you have any other questions please contact and of our officers on Bnet:

Yaj#11571 (GM/RL)

Renegade#1467 (Officer)