9/10 BM hunter LF Guild

Currently 9/10 heroic looking to faction/server transfer. I am looking for an adult oriented AOTC minded guild that raids twice a week. My Btag is Ellestaria#1874

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Elle, I sent you a B-Net request (Bodhi#11669). I think Ex Inferno might be a great fit for you. We raid Wednesday 8:00-10:00 pm server and Friday 8:30-11:30 pm server and just like you we are 9/10H and 1/10M. We definitely need more ranged DPS. More about the guild here: [H] <Ex Inferno> 1/10M, 10/10H, Wed/Fri (Team Pink) LF RANGED DPS - #49 by Bodí-area-52 You can contact me on B-Net, or Discord (Bo#0122). Hope to hear from you soon, Bo