9.1 Tyrande cinematic

lol, That’s too true.

It’s nice to have little things sprinkled in from time to time so show the world moving along and developing or reacting to some major event. It’d just be nice if Blizz would, once in a while, pick back up and resolve some major story plots that they’ve otherwise forgotten.

I’d love to see something major happen with Gilneas. That’s long over due.


Continuation from this point:
One of my biggest enjoyment aspects of when I mained this Worgen is that Worgen kind of crosses between both worlds of the Alliance, the Night Elf and Human narratives aren’t two distinct pieces but shared between both.

Ultimately I still preferred the Night Elf narrative and thus why I went back to my Night Elf main but Worgen was a nice in-between and the fact Genn is likely to become relevant again in the future is nice.

It’s a shame the Heritage quest wasn’t about revisiting Gilneas, however.


OK. So, if you ignore fifteen years of empty space of “jokes”, then the gnomes after the destruction of Gnomeregan is followed by Gelbin’s coma, and then his “resurrection” and the addition of Mechagon?

M … No. The final victory over the orcs was never shown. Therefore, nothing is known about Ashenvale.


I’ll always love Legion simply for the gem that Stormheim gave us Worgen fans. When Genn was like Sylvanaaaas! You’re quest for immortality has left you vulnerable. Dude, that gave me chills. I still watch that cinematic daily just because of that :wolf:

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During the start of Legion, I had decided to “main” Horde. If anyone remembers me from back then, they knew I was a very vocal anti-Sylvanas person.

I knew the story had gone awry when I was cheering for Genn, despite being Horde.


Well, I don’t have an encyclopedic recollection of all the major lore points, but that’s essentially it.
Was a time when I did. Wow and it’s lore haven’t taken center stage interest for a while.

Kiiing... of the Gnomes.

There’s the loss of Gnomeregan and the Gnomes being refugees in Ironforge.
Then we kinda sorta helped them retake Gnomeregan during Wrath as an after thought. That you forgot to mention that point is telling of how Blizzard was like, “Oh yea! Let’s fix this for you lil’buddy. There ya go, now scram.”
Then there was the recent development in BfA with his coma, reuniting Mechagon, and Geblin becoming King of the Gnomes. That’s a pretty big deal that’s handled as an after thought.


That’s pretty great, watching him smash that lantern. The look in his eyes. Epic.


Speaking of, a lot of people’s issues with this cutscene match the complaints of the Genn/Sylvanas cutscene where the cutscene focused more on showing a story.

“Why didn’t Genn just attack her from stealth instead of announcing himself by speaking ominously? Why didn’t he just rip her head off? Why did she not have claw marks when he back-handed her?” etc

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No race or faction ever wins like that


M … Yes.
If so: aren’t elf victories shown as grand as orc victories?

When was the last grand orc victory

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Burning Teldrassil.

In the story context that wasn’t an orc victory. It really wasn’t even a horde victory. It was Sylvanas’s victory.


The night elves’ victories do not show up as grandly as their defeats.

No cause they seemingly can only find the budget to present us with the opposite over and over and over again.

Speaking of the Twitter crazy.


I see you conveniently left out the other part of that sentence.

Y’all want to do bad things but not actually have to take any consequences for doing bad things.


Was the Burning Not Enough?
Then what price did the Horde pay for the Burning?

Nobody remembers the reverse time grapes from Discworld?