9.1 Tyrande cinematic

It really doesn’t, but we can agree to disagree on that part. :wolf:

If it is who I think it is, he also said he wanted the devs families to die also.

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If that is true, this is some new levels of unhinged.


I’m just not playing through it.


I have complaints any this. I’ve been waiting YEARS to see a Tyrande vs Sylvanas fight and I got what I wanted. “The wrath is mine alone!” That was excellent! Elune you’ve got some explaining to do!


I’m a Gnome fan. I have a lot to gripe about. :slight_smile: That said…

I really loved the burning of Teldrassil. It was rough for me, and poignant. I thought they pushed the story into an interesting area and I was really looking forward to seeing how that paid off throughout the expansion. I’m still waiting.

I know this is only one cinematic, so I’ll give them some slack. It’ll be interesting to see where they take this and how they handle it. I just don’t personally hold high hopes or expectations. This cinematic didn’t gear me up or get me excited. Just a lot of meh. Feels like they’ve forgotten how to tell a story. They’ve forgotten the world in World of Warcraft.

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I mean I’m not gonna pretend I’ve never gone dumb and emotional over stupid story beats, but at the end of the day it’s a fantasy game about orcs and elves punching each other. Just walk away at that point if it’s distressing you that much.


This is a game about orcs, beating elves, and human, saving the day.

So. How can you tell a “good” moment from an “uplifting” moment?

Well … What happened in the history of the gnomes before BfA? The loss of Gnomeregan, then a long lull?

I fully admitted I’m sometimes over the top and say lots of dumb things when I’m being emotional. We all done it, it shows we do care. But this is what? 1 out of like, I believe NINE cinematics that were datamined for 9.1.Some are super short, but still. It’s asinine is all :wolf:

I’ve made an idiot out of myself numerous times as you’re aware. I just…try to keep an open mind and not go off the rails often :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t recall all of them but I do recall specifically he went after a few people, none of the scenarios involved their family. If you’re thinking of who I’m thinking of, that’s someone else.

The primary episodes I remember because they got huge social media traction were when he went after:

He went after the artist who did the pop-up book because she was proud of how she was able to portray the Burning of Teldrassil in the pop-up, saying it had been difficult. He went after her as a person for daring to portray that, which led to everyone retweeting how crazy he was and mocking him for it.

Just prior to that, he went after Questifier (former-WoW quest designer), as she was the who designed Val’sharah and was saying it was the first zone she ever designed. Openly saying she should never design Night Elf content ever again because she doesn’t know how to write Night Elves and that Night Elf content should be written exclusively by Night Elf fans.

When other developers chimed in along with some of the Blizzard/WoW content creators like Talisin & Evitel in defense of Questifier, he argued that fandoms like Night Elves should gatekeep their community otherwise it’s ruined by people who aren’t “true” fans tainting it. He got universally laughed at for that stance.

He deleted his twitter and briefly pretended to be someone else so he wouldn’t get blocked by 90% of the WoW community again.


Ah okay. Still, I think those people who are that overly invested, need to take a step back and stop playing for a while, you know?

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This orc about to be suffocated by Rigger Malfurion disagrees with you.

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That’s a potentially big derail of an answer.
Suffice to say Gnomeregan was lost going into Vanilla wow. Gnome’s are forever relegated to backdrop, plot macguffins, and comedic relief. I understand all of that. Is what it is. Doesn’t excuse though their neglect. Every few expansions Gnomes get a head nod from Blizzard. “Oh! I didn’t see you there. Here’s a cookie, now run along until we need something funny and inconsequential to happen.”


This orc burned Teldrassil not too long ago.

Collapse of the answer? Response delay? Did you mean that this was mostly the answer?

Worgen are in the same boat. Opps, we forgot you guys were a playable race. Here’s a head pat, a belly rub and a suicide mission. OH! And you guys get to loose another home to the horde. Have fun! :wolf:


And he was subsequently bound, buried and suffocated to death for it. It seems like this isn’t just a game about orcs beating elves, but it’s also a game about elves beating orcs. Imagine that.


Yep. That’s pretty much it.

I’d say the biggest saving grace for Worgen is they finally acknowledged Genn existed in Legion/BfA, and thus his desire for vengeance could be brought forward into the Horde vs Alliance conflict.

The WORST time to be a Worgen was MOP where the faction narrative started in Cataclysm was in full swing and literally you were not allowed at all to interact with the story as Genn was locked in the pantry. It killed my interest in the race so much that I race-changed/faction-changed from Worgen to Tauren.

When the faction war story ended in MOP with everyone cheering the war was over, the biggest glaring omission was Genn. The story had frozen him and kept him in carbonite until Legion.

Legion at the very least gave me enough motivation to level another Worgen, and BfA made him briefly my main.