9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Aptly illustrated case in point. I admit that I don’t roll through all the threads in all the forums. My time (and frankly interest) limits my exposure. But to say ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is hyperbolic. You’re outright diminishing any and all who might raise a complaint, or just feel like they want to air a gripe. Often times any satisfaction that may be garnered is through simply hearing the other person out. It is possible to discuss matters and disagree with one another without devolving into childish insults and reductions.

And to be frank, people complaining about people complaining weakens the basis of any argument that person might provide, for me. But I digress… My point wasn’t about satisfaction. It was whether or not they matter, and I feel like they should and do.

I’m not arguing that anyone should be catered too. Listening, acknowledging, and even addressing the comments, concerns, and complaints of a group of people isn’t catering to them. The only argument I would make is that Blizz would be wise to at the very least consider them. If there’s a large portion of the fan base complaining about a particular element then maybe, just maybe, they have a point?


Based and red pilled. Pun intended.

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Absolutely. I 100% get why Night elf fans are still mad about losing a major lore location/capitol so that BFA could have a big flashy spectacle, and wanting, I guess we’ll call it compensation for that.

But the attitude that they’re singled out is one I don’t get. What is this mythical player race that exists and gets nothing but wins? Every fan of a player race has a legitimate gripe, either because of story neglect or because they lose what few lore/focus characters they still have to advance the plot.

I feel like Blizzard’s at least trying to rectify Night elf complaints, which is more than I can say about most fanbase complaints.



“Night Elves are used as antagonistic plot devices to further the Human story. See here, here and here.”


“BlIzzArD HaTeS NiGHt ElVeS!!!”



I do and have been listening to people like Kyalin, Aki and others who do want to have a legimate and honest discussion. And we have discussed at length the problems concerning the NEs and Worgen.

The people who are perpetually dissatisfied don’t deserve my time. Not sorry if you think otherwise :wolf:

Who has the longest history of grievances?

Trolls by a LOOOONG shot. The one race who is solely used to get slaughtered en mass. :wolf:


Which ones? Should they be split into Blackspear and Troll fans?

Just trolls man. It doesn’t matter. They all get used as slaughter bait for content. There isn’t a expansion where we haven’t sacked at least ONE troll city for loot :wolf:

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I’m fairly certain we didn’t sack any troll cities or towns in mop or wod. Or legion.

Not to take away from the fact that yes, Trolls are the beatstick of the franchise. But that might change, if recent events are a hint.

I was speaking with Blizzard in mind, not you. I don’t give certain people time either, so we’re of a similar mind on that.

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WoD? Legion? MoP(?)?

Classic - BC - WotLK - Cata - MoP - WoD - Legion - BfA - SL.
I haven’t forgotten anything, have I?

We were slaughtering Zandalari trolls in MoP on thunder Isle.

I just don’t want people to get it twisted and think I’m going against NE fans or anything. I’m not. I’m just tired of the perpetual complainers who don’t want to have a honest conversation. Know what I mean? :wolf:

Fun fact: every major ethnic group of trolls has had their capital sacked at least once.


Yes, but this cinematic deserves all the flak that it gets. Pretty to look at, but completely pointless. Much like wow itself has become.


@Micâh , come on like this. What good have the night elves gotten since the Classic?

There’s a few people who don’t deserve earnest consideration.

As an example, there’s one person in this thread who openly harassed developers on Twitter, asking for violence against them and users he disagrees with and got openly mocked and blocked by everyone to the extent they made another twitter account to pretend to be someone else.

Well now i’m curious. Who? Not that I particularly blame them for giving the writers an earful.

There’s a huge difference between giving an earful and harassing though…

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