9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Also weeb and weeb adjacent: Not anime enough. Why didn’t Tyrande gain magical girl wings? You can’t break someone’s neck by compressing the blood vessels and respiratory tract with ones metacarpals.


Lol you right I did forget about the “WoW is more weeby than FFXIV bit”

I’m too lazy to check the thread, but upon rewatching I noticed that Tyrande says “Night Warrior” with the same inflection that Nathanos did, which I find really funny and kinda cute.


Not that it would make it any better, but I suppose an alternate explanation is that the choking scene is also meant to represent Tyrande not thinking straight anymore. It’d at least be somewhat consistent with Blizzard trying to sell her as becoming increasingly unbalanced in BFA, as well as the other anecdote about that one Night Warrior that lost her marbles and started murdering everybody because she couldn’t stop.


I feel like it would have worked better if she just started wailing at her, punching her face into the ground repeatadly in a manic frenzy.
Just so many ways to make it not bad, and they still manage to make it bad. That almost takes effort.

I know it’s pure headcannon, but how funny would it have been if it was Greymane that killed the monstrous Maw creature and Sylvanas after realizing who it was, was like You again…? in a exasperated voice :wolf:

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You can look at it from other perspectives:

  • experiments need feedback
  • not every thing works for every audience, so even things that work might need tweaking
  • if something is “enough”, what do you do next? For many devs that would be a dead project that they afraid to evolve anywhere.

Yeah, the main reason why I, despite not having personal interest in the thing, sort of support the NElf pressure, is because every other group that was screwed by the devs was shrugged off and ignored by the devs. So, it’s like the 1st time when a possibility of a positive change in the dev - player relationship can happen. Not saying it will. But can.

Yeah. For example:

  • it sets up the expectations of a bunch of people who avoided spoilers with Tyrande’s commitment to justice. Needless to say this theme further down the line is thrown away and the devs raise the false expectations which then blow up. Totally unexpected (/s)
  • Tyrande said “wraith is mine alone”, but later - “I was as much of a witness as you”. Which is… what exactly it should tell me? That different parts of the team have terrible communication?

gl hf


Problem is the audience he’s referring to wouldn’t be satisfied if Tyrande wielded the moon like a kill sat and burned the Horde off the face of Azeroth. They’d still find a reason to be unhappy about it. Does the opinion of a sect of the fanbase whose only action is to complain matter?


Assumptions are assumptions. I’ve heard many times things like “if you talk to different groups of WoW fans they all want different things / do not know what they want / never overlap”.

Yet after actually looking at the thing closer, most people do want similar things, and they are abstract enough not to make the project devoid of space for creativity.

So, all I can say - if the devs never go in that direction, they will never get there.

The problems that plague the story are not unique to just elves. Communication is the overall problem of story and gameplay. Timing is bad. The devs do not pay attention to the context of what / why they do. They retcon / ignore stuff too much and frequently.

Every other group was shrugged off. Orcs who became “you’re just like it regardless of demons”. Thought police of the forsaken. Bashing the original horde again and again.

But none matter. And it’s the first group that actually makes a dent in what’s happening. A minor, and so so, but more than any other ever could accomplish.

To me it’s the question “should I join and try to drag the narrative team into the list of problems of the game” or should I just say “nah, others had it worse, you’ll be fine” and promote more BfA - style mess and Shadowlands retcon party as a result?

Everyone makes their choices. I did mine. I do not agree with some NElf fans bashing / hating on the others, but the cause, if targeted at the overall problems, might (not saying it will) make a change for the better.

tl;dr: what this “sect” is doing, if could be distilled from personal attacks, is more positive for WoW development than all “wait and see” crowd ever been able to accomplish IMO.

gl hf


I think it does, or at least it should. They’re fans too. They deserve some earnest consideration. Matter is that there will always be those that lodge complains, those who diminish them as crying or whining, and those stuck somewhere in the middle. Gone are the days (if they ever existed) when a fan base can hold differing opinions, agree to disagree, and still be counted among the same fanbase regardless. Blizzard has been feeling more and more like the Disney-Star War debacle.


How exactly did the night elves wipe the Horde from the face of Azeroth? Four CGI cutscenes from the night elf side? With the change in the entire game world? With a book that went down in history as a “fantasy war masterpiece”?
Or the tweet “you killed everyone”, and in the game it is still not clear whether the night elves won in Ashenvale or not?

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How do you satisfy a part of the fan base that will literally find ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to complain about? I’m a worgen fan, yet you don’t see me making thread after thread crying about every single thing I didn’t get or things I don’t like :wolf:

These people are never going to be satisfied and blizz shouldn’t bother catering to them. :wolf:


Was there a moment in which there was absolutely nothing to complain about?

It’s just the unrealistic expectations some of these people hold and these people shouldn’t be catered to. :wolf:


All the same, was there such a moment? When was everything logical and on time?

Oh yes. A horde demanding that the Alliance elite become blacker than night because they approved (did not comment) Taurajo. Are they “excessive”?

At the end of the day there’s only so much focus that can go around between the 12 core races (and that’s ignoring Pandaren/allied races).

I think Blizzard’s done a reasonably good job at trying to give the Night elves some positive content/focus after the giant misstep that was Teldrassil.

The game becoming world of Nelfcraft or giving the night elves a huge, brutal victory against horde civillians (without being painted like villains) like some want was never gonna be on the table.

For the Tyrande/Sylvanas plot thread in particular, we don’t even know how it’s gonna finish, people are just assuming the worst.


With how things have gone so far, can you blame us? Sure, we might get a satisfying resolution to the night elfs woes, and we might have the satisfaction of seeing Sylvanas ground into the pavement. But those are just mights, not guarantees. And I don’t trust Blizzard at this point not to mess things up. They even managed to mess up this cinematic.


My problem is blizz could give these NE fans, and they know who they are, everything they ever wanted on a silver plater, and they would complain the plater wasn’t silver enough.

I told people, I’m down to discussing the very legitimate complaints NE fans have, they just need to drop the victim complex of Blizz hates solely Night elves complex.

Know what I mean? :wolf:

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Aggressively drawing circles over the head shaking with anger hand.

You don’t count! You are an interested person! When the content of the night elves dries up, you will demand content for yourself!

Although … Is that how politics works? How did Chronorabbit say there? Something like “I’m joining you because this gives me a chance to change something that I need”?

How do you separate “legitimate” complaints from “excessive”