9.1 Tyrande cinematic

I’m not much of a content player anymore. I’m happy with my current mog. The only thing I’d change is using the brand new Frostmourne model they made just to show us what we wouldn’t be getting.

Neither have we.

Tyrande did not achieve her goal.
Hmm … This argument could be used to justify Teldrassil. Gr …
The last word was for Sylvanas. Yes. This will fit better.

I cant see your profile, it’s why I asked. The set cloak is kinda small for my taste.

With no injury, and having acomplished your objective. Yea, that is a victory.

On the other hand, being thrown off after fialing to do anything of value is a loss. It’s not complicated.

At the very least, I know that takes like yours are the minority. I can comfort myself with that, that not everyone has completely lost it.

I’m using the Shadowlands CE cloak.

You’ve been saying this for years, but I’m curious where you’re drawing your data from.

We’re talking about in which Tyrande dominated Sylvanas entirely, Elune didn’t want her to kill herself while killing Sylvanas but that’s on Elune not her.

Elune works in mysterious ways.

It’s the same I use funnily enough, just wondered if someone knew of a better matching one.

And the nelf lost reddit, guh

I’m partial to Master Cannoneer’s Cloak and Turncoat’s Cape.

What opinions are front and center everywhere else. I know the sample size isn’t super large, but it’s by an order of magnitude larger than the dozen or so people on this forum.

Until she didn’t. And during this “domination” she didn’t deal any damage worth noting.

You know what would have been a victory? Tyrande beating Sylvanas to an inch of her life, and when she’s crawling away, her powers overload and she falls unconcious, giving Sylvanas the chance to escape.

Boom, super satisfying, and something that could be considered a victory. Just for example.


Why thank you

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Yes that’s why whenever there’s a nelf woe is me thread everyone and their mother turns against the OP.


Also that’s like arguing that Garrosh should’ve lost against Taran Zhu (which could make sense). It devalues the stakes for the raid. We’re gonna fight Sylvanas next so she needs to seem unbeatable, and even then Tyrande beats her.

If you’re scenario happens the complaint from people would be “so why don’t we just call Tyrande to fight her in the raid? She’s obviously stronger than her.”

In the current, actual cinematic we get an excuse as to why Tyrande can’t just take care of her, so we have to.

And mind you, we can and will.

Also about your sample size, you’d think the video on wowhead would have a massive dislike ratio then, like other wow videos do, huh. Guess most people who watched the thing didn’t hate it as fervently as you think.


Arthas and the Plague of Grand Apothecary Putress?

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Right, on this forum. Not everywhere else, or even anywhere else. Just here. Figure out why that is.

We’re not talking about whether or not Tyrande should have won. You just compared Taran, who lost hard against Garrosh, to Tyrande “winning” against Sylvanas. So just admit that Tyrande lost, you dishonest prick.

Then just say so. Don’t you dare say that Tyrande won, got it?

Because tyrande isn’t the enemy, Sylvanas is. Not everything is about who is stronger. The Night warrior could ahve been stronger, and it would have been fine, because she would only be strong it that moment, when her powers were used against the target of her revenge.

Well we’l see about that. For all we know, Sylvanas just flies off like she allways does.

People can like things for different reasons. I’m sure a lot of people liked the choreagrophy. But do make your way to the comments, or reddit, and you’ll see waht people think about Tyrande once again being denied revenge. Away form this echo chamber that is.


He coughed once and retreated because the thing is hand crafted to kill him… yes?

So we’re not talking about the death of the raid boss, but about the noticeable damage to the raid boss, aren’t we?

Ahh ad hominem, the sound of a desperate loss. Not gonna dign myself with replying to this.


The argument people are saying is that she should have psychical damage, Arthas didn’t sustain physical damage from the plague in the Wrathgate. He coughed.

Sylvanas got thrown around much harder, ergo she did get “much more damaged” than Arthas. So far Tyrande has been the only character of late to ACTUALLY beat her up, not Saurfang, Tyrande.

Cough = lung decay, no?

No visible damage. You won’t see bruises on the undead. Although a piece of flesh can be torn off?

We already stated what would be enough, so stop throwing this garbage around like it’s gospel.

Tyrande haters: “it’s not enough”
NE fans: present scenario where Sylvanas still escapes
Tyrande haters: ignores “can’t take a winnnnnnnnnnnn” “let me attempt a weak justification with X Y Z reason”