9.1 Tyrande cinematic

After watching it again, Sylvana’s “sigh” upon meeting Tyrande was just priceless to me. It just perfectly sums up everything with Tyrande. It must really be asking too much to make Tyrande at least a little intimidating. First Nathanos’s reaction to her amounted to, “Girl where have you been all my life?” and Sylvanas acts like there is so much better things she could be doing with her time. lol


“But…but it will be satisfying”

Blizzard, 29.06.2021, Danuser.


Then that purpose can get bent. The Night warrior had it’s final chance to do anything of value in this cineamtic, and it blew it. All they had to do, was show Sylvanas being beat up, and then be forced to flee. But they couldn’t give us that. And that was it. The Night warrior has come full circle, and acomplished nothing. First she did nothing in bfa, and then she faffed about in the maw for 6 months, doing yet again nothing that impacted the story. And now it’s power will be diluted, and effect the Night warrior will be gone.

Perhaps it’s power and the Night elves will have a role to play in the future, but that doesn’t remove the bitter feelings of today. And we already know that the Jailer wins in the end of this raid, with the whole skybox change thing being datamined. And I have a very bad feeling that Sylvanas will be “defeated” but will escape unharmed. And if that happens, well that would simply be adding insult to injury.

What wins are you talking about Micah? You mean the darkshore fiasco? You mean Nathanos suicide by Tyrande? You mean her being in the maw, out of sight and out of mind, not impacting the story at all? And now this, the one thing that was meant to be a victory, was taken away.

I don’t know about you, but there is no victory in any of this.


Well there is. If you are a Bolod (Highelf), or were a Nightborne but that seems to be it any strangely does not affect other mages.

I mean… truth be told. The novels are rather bad.

For those who are just coming in, here’s a summary of the thread:

People: Fight was cool, Tyrande beat Sylvanas but she obviously can’t beat her beat her or we don’t have a raid.

Weird contrarians: Sylvanas won the fight, LOL all you people saying Sylvanas lost are Sylvanas SIMPS! Saurfang scratches Sylvanas in the eye meaning he’s more powerful than Tyrande who beat her up all the time.

Random Sylvanas Fan: Whoohoo, Sylvanas won.


Why is it that this forum in particular has takes like this? When I go to the wow subreddit, all I see is people pointing out that the Night elves got snubbed, again. Just this place, for some reason. Well atleast i’m glad there are other places to check this stuff, because otherwise i’d feel like i’d go crazy.


My dude, this forum is infested with enough night elf woe is me threads but sure:

If we have a fight and you’re on the ground with me choking you after you played defensive the entire time… I was winning that fight.

Tyrande only lost because Elune didn’t want her to die, which was the bargain.

I’m not saying Sylvanas will disappear from WoW but I’m betting after her raid fight / later in the xpac she’s going to superjail but her crimes.

Suppose Elune does indeed have a deal with the “Enemy of Everything.” We will proceed from the fact that this Enemy is either Zovaal himself, or the very “7th power” that is mentioned in the notes of brokers from Tazavesh and, possibly, is behind the back of the Jailer.

What is one of the highly desirable (and in fantasy universes, I would even say mandatory) elements of any deal? Mutual guarantees and certain boundaries of actions of the parties to the transaction relative to each other.

What could be these boundaries within the framework of the deal of such powerful (and hardly very friendly to each other) entities? First, protection against any action that undermines the ability to enforce agreements. Secondly, immunity from direct or indirect opposition, and, even more so, aggression against each other and key allies of a lower rank. Then you can think of “third”, “fourth”, etc., but in the context of this discussion, this is not so important.

What do we end up with?

Elune has at least 2 active trades:

With Tyrande: “I am the strength for your revenge, you are my life.”
With Zovaal: The terms are not known, but Elune cannot punch the Jailer and his closest allies. The converse is also true.
Could Sylvanas have been informed by the Jailer of this deal? Quite.
Did Tyrande know about Elune’s deal with Zovaal? Almost 100% - no, because then she probably would have rejected her goddess, especially after what she had seen enough in the Womb.

Then everything comes together in a more or less logical chain.
Sylvanas is surprised to see Tyrande, but knows that she cannot harm her using Elune’s power. Hence the playful trolling behavior.
But Sylvanas also knows that she has no right to harm Tyrande. Hence the passive conduct of the battle “from defense” and “stupid” ignore at least 2 moments when she could kill Tyrande.

Well, in fact, in the end, Tyrande had a conflict of 2 deals: on the one hand, she pledged to give strength to Tyrande for revenge, on the other, not to act against the Jailer and his closest servants (Nathanos is clearly not included in the circle, since He is not useful to the jailer, or even harmful, since he has not told Sylvanas anything about Marris’s fate.)
Do not forget that Elune hardly wishes Tyrande’s death from the power of the Night Warrior.
Thus, when Tyrande made full use of Elune’s power to kill Sylvanas, Elune took that power in order to fulfill the terms of a higher deal. Well, she left her priestess alive.

And then Sylvanas once again took out her “no hope” bauble and tried to demoralize Tyrande. Well, in the end, she said in plain text that Tyrande was warming herself in the coals of her goddess’s deal. That the Banshee Queen could not kill the Night Warrior, as well as vice versa under any circumstances, even after Tyrande lost her power and the appearance of Ysera there had nothing to do with it (she is not a rival to Sylvanas).

Automatically translate.

Who gives a damn? Telling the guy who lost that “oh you were winning” isn’t a comfort. What matters is whether you won in the end. It’s unbelievable how some people don’t understand something so basic.


Well … if in the process of strangling the strangler suddenly falls asleep, then the strangled person will most likely be declared the winner.

She didn’t lose, Elune denied her her kill, functionally she won that fight. Elune works in mysterious ways~

But again, hey man it’s not like Sylvanas is the raid boss we have to fight or something.

Also, Sylvanas gloating and pretending she didn’t get her butt beat doesn’t mean she didn’t. Nathanos was gloating till the end, doesn’t mean he won.

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Sylvanas’s reaction to Tyrande is a Mood™️ and I’m feeling it.

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Well not really, because that’s not what happened.

If you wanna argue that Sylvanas won Sylvanas would’ve had to beat her up after she peeled her hands back, but she didn’t, she fled.


In what universe can you come up with this convoluted chain of thought. It doesn’t matter why, in the end she lost. Sylvanas threw her off, and flew off. That is all that matters. Why Tyrande lost is completely irrelevant. How on gods green earth can you even think like you do. I genuinly can’t understand it.

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It’s not enough.
It will never be enough.


So far, we have never won an unconditional victory.

Back to the choking analogy, you throw me off and flee.

Wow what a chad win my man, you are the champion!

If you wanna argue Sylvanas beat her, she’d have to physically beat her after she “threw her off” (banshee formed away from under her). But she didn’t, she left. So she didn’t “beat her”.

Tyrande lost.

Oh don’t I know it.

What cloak do you use to mog with Mythic NH in DK? I’ve been trying to find something nice for it.

She didn’t physically beat her, she ran away from the fight. That’s not winning.