9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Why would you want to have a clear victory when the big bad of the expansion is actually doing something. This is the first time we can actually feel like the mawsworn are an actual threat.


Have you not seen dragonball z?

So…what I’m seeing from this conversation, and something I agree with, is that many people would have liked to see Sylvanas suffer in some meaningful way. The only thing that seems to do that is the psychological thrust of Nathanos’ mention. It would have been nicer to see some cuts, some rending, some bodily harm.

What I think some other people here are trying to point out is that it might be significant that Tyrande thought choking Sylvanas was a way to cause her harm–when, ideally, we know, as should Tyrande, that this isn’t as effectual as we’d like for it to be. Which has to lead one to consider–at this point in the cinematic, was Tyrande at all in her right mind, or had the Power of Elune consumed her to the point where rational thought was no longer possible?

I tend to see the ending in that last light–where rational Tyrande is lost. Those few seconds where we get her squeezing the “life” out of Sylvanas are meant to show us that “something has gone terribly wrong here”–even if it is kind of cool.

I get the frustration of not seeing any tangible suffering on Sylvanas’ part while also enjoying that little bit at the end which signals to us that Tyrande as “Tyrande” is no longer there. And perhaps it’s also meant to signal that rage and pain cannot sustain an effort–whatever that effort might be. It can propel us toward greatness, but it can’t sustain us.

And from that perspective, I really like the idea of the story they were trying to tell here. I also see Ysera not going in for the kill to be indicative of her greater concern for Tyrande’s well-being: she cares more about Tyrande than Sylvanas, and I think that’s an important aspect of …(hahaha…yes, pardon the pun,) Ysera.

All in all, I enjoyed the cinematic, but felt it could have been improved by some ripping and tearing that wasn’t just psychological in nature. War and fighting is brutal by nature; we love the scars that build the characters that create the stories that we’ve come to love in World of Warcraft. So when we don’t have visible evidence of those things, it can be difficult to feel any real or visceral emotional response. And I think that’s all that this scene was probably missing. Hopefully they’ll keep that in mind for future cinematics.


I understood the phrase correctly: we do not need victories while the villain is working; besides, the pilgrim Maw (Maw Wolker?) threatened the inhabitant of Maw. Right? Or was it irony / sarcasm?

Okay, I don’t see how “Tyrande was winning for a moment” is even a coherent argument, much less something that people are supposed to be content with it. Can’t we also say that Sylvanas was winning since she had Tyrande at her mercy after her Moon battery shorted out and decided to monologue instead of eliminating her before dodging the ineffective dragon? On top of that, Syvlanas’ forces looks to have completed their mission.

Granted, Sylvanas of course is going to survive as she’s a raid boss in the upcoming raid, but Tyande is a clear loser in this engagement. Warcraft has always been black a white no matter how “MoRaLlY gReY” The clowns in Ivrine think they can make a story.


Correct on the former; the forum has spent a good while talking about how the Jailer isn’t really a threat or at least doesn’t feel like it. This is his first actual offensive, so it needs to go off extremely well in order to establish that feeling of danger.

Do we have to lose for the Maw to feel like a real threat?

Yes, because if we win it is in direct opposition to the Jailer. Our victories are His losses. Why should we feel concerned about someone who’s entire storyline is ‘failing upwards’?

The cinematic felt right… until her power mysteriously disappeared for no fing reason. Like wtf???


I was thinking about it a little more and I’m wondering if some of us are just missing the simplest explanation for why Tyrande’s power is fading: she’s just dying, that’s all. That was supposed to be the price paid for the power in the first place.


Then why is she rampant when she is being treated?

She’s not being treated while she’s running around. Ysera put her in a coma afterward to buy some time.

That’s supposed to happen when you beat the raid, not before you enter it.

Does the same logic apply when looking at the night elves from the Horde side?
Stupid analogy. The War of the Thorns was not at all like that, and who then strangled whom?

Shorted out, or was deliberately withdrawn. Tyrande had said “My life for hers.” Maybe that trade was rejected?

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Raid 9.1 is the Ta’Zavesh market, right? No raids in the Maw before 9.2?

9.1 isn’t the end of the story. Not by a long shot.

I’m interested in raids. So you shouldn’t wait for heroic moments until 9.2?

Raid 9.1 is the Sanctum of Domination
Ta’Zavesh is the Mega Dungeon

What a pathetic, fan-fiction tier joke. Literally knocking on bloody Dragon Ball Z at this point, only classic DBZ was actually better written than this garbage. Night Warrior achieves nothing, Sylvie does her girlboss Villain Sue nonsense. Nothing changes, or has changed for years with this character, yet morons gobble it down.