9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Immediately after Sylvanas gets knocked back, and right before Tyrande shrugs off the ability that single-handedly took down Bolvar.


Lol you arent wrong

That the point. Whatever the concept the devs tried to depict, it drowns in presentation, such as “expected more” even before Tyrande loses the power-up.

I mean, as usual, there is nothing odd about it. Just consider discussions of the dev interviews: they are bad with PR, understanding the audience, context, or timing. It can be seen in the reaction to the night warrior arc in general, affecting the evaluation of this cinematic, but is a yet another systemic problem affecting many things.

gl hf


Clearly saurfang is the most powerful character

That’s just how Sylvanas is, though. She’s like Nathanos; she’ll say things just to piss you off. And like Melirius pointed out, Tyrande proves the statement wrong in the very next camera change by breaking out in a flash before resuming her attack.

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If Sylvanas has no need to alter her approach, stays in comfort zone, etc., could it feel like something the target audience would be happy about?

The devs maybe had good intentions in mind, but it’s not their intentions that matter when it comes to dealing with the clients.

gl hf


But she doesn’t. Immediately after that, Tyrande mocks her for losing Nathanos, which audibly catches her off guard by the way she whispers his name.

Edit: I’m not saying anyone has to like the cinematic. It just doesn’t seem like a situation where Sylvanas was winning.

She didn’t stay in her comfort zone, she was on the defensive and had a brief flash of fear when Tyrande started strangling her.

It seems like your issue is more your interpretation of things rather than what was actually presented.


Yes, Nathanos that Sylvanas did not mentioned once till now, and who she ditched in Shadows Rising. She was affected by it for how many seconds? How did it change her plan? Made her less efficient or stumble? Like, any real setback in the sequence of events?

That’s a good joke.

She commented the actions of Tyrande as “expected more”. When this is the reaction, and not worried face, or visible necessity to improvise, you can repeat “on the defensive” till the end of times, it’s not going to affect how people perceive and interpret “expected more” comment about what was happening.

I can say the same. That you are happy with the dev direction and willing to dismiss the feedback of other people by twisting [descriptions of] what they see into what they did not. Fruitless. But not uncommon.

gl hf


Sylvannas has the emotional one for finding out about Nathanos.

In the battle of the two “chosen” deities, the reaction to words does not seem convincing. After all, the words will be important, not the speaker.

Feel free to believe I’m the one distorting what is factually presented, if it makes you feel any better. You have to keep justifying your pity party somehow.


Isn’t there such a thing as a “pride party”?

That was the entirety of this month. Unfortunately, now that we’re heading into July it’s gone for another 11 months.

Nah, it’s about finding the things that plague all the narrative parts indiscriminately. Them being so noticeable with the night elf story is a conicidence. But problems with PR, timing, context, etc., are affecting many game parts and story lines.

Some people care about such things, some - don’t. What does it matter other than an opportunity to learn a thing or 2 (I’m talking about myself here).

gl hf


The people complaining though…are never going to be satisfied though, that’s the problem. It’s never going to be enough, they’ll just find something else to complain about.

And this is coming from a worgen player, who has about 10+ yrs of pent up frustration with the way things have been handled, but you don’t see us complaining nearly as much. Though I admit I can be a little over the top when I’m in a particular mood :wolf:


What? What a month of pride?

A whole month dedicated to sexual freedom? Interesting.

It also rocks the Horde players, right?

The cinematic was fine, as it served the purpose it was meant to serve. To set up the chains of domination raid down the road and the 9.1 campaign to take the fight to the Jailer.

Some y’all too damn quick to be salty as hell. Just relax. Not everything has to be a win for the Night elves. :wolf:


M … Yes.
But where is that feeling of victory, which is timely and not overshadowed by some “buts”?

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