9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Here is what I will say before I take a shower and go on my business tonight.

If Tyrande is stronger than Sylvanas then she should have left at least two nicks under Sylvanas’ eye. Saurfang managed that with no fancy moon magic.


Actually it’s pretty clever on her part. by not killing Herne and other key folk, she ensures that at least some of her opposition will be diverting themselves from the fight to save them. She’s not there to conquer Ardenweald, just to get the bloody seal.

The cool part of this comment is that actually none of it makes anything I said wrong at all.

This is exactly my point. She’s the distraction, she doesn’t want a quick fight. She wants to not take harm and stall for Anduin. She isn’t losing by being defensive, it’s the strategy lol.

In my eyes you were saying Sylvannas is losing because she was defensive. I’d say that refutes that point. She’s not trying to be offensive in the first place.

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Or they dissipate upon impact, potentially for reforming since the things seemed to come out of nowhere in the first place.

Look, I think this is pedantic. I think this is trying to reach into the relatively good parts of the presentation to turn them bad because we’re not content with saying “this part was good and this part was bad” - we have to hold up a position that it’s ALL bad, and our opponents must say that it’s ALL good, otherwise our arguments or something are weak.

I just don’t go in for that - and I think this line of picking apart when Sylvanas lowers her bow, or the fact that Tyrande threw her glaives, or that some facial expression in half of a frame early on might resemble a smirk - and therefore the secret master plan theory is somehow confirmed which invalidates all of it.

The fight was good - the conclusion wasn’t - is that noncontroversial enough to agree upon, or do you really want an excel spreadsheet on this?




Neither of those two things contradict each other.

So she wants to waste time fighting but also doesn’t want to waste time fighting? Sylvanas really is OP, I can’t even understand her galaxy brain strats.

No, she loses because Night Warrior vs Sylvanas ends with Sylvanas being chokeslammed into the ground and only escaping because the Night Warrior stops existing. Her being on the defensive is just a refutation of peoples claims that Sylvanas was having a super easy time with everything.


But she hadn’t been harmed by Tyrande at all up to that point, so what is the basis for saying she’d lose? Tyrande hasn’t hurt her.

Saying she doesn’t want a quick fight. And saying her intention isn’t to waste time fighting when it’s not needed are two different things lmao given the previous example of one, was when she incapacitated other members of the defense during the fight and didn’t kill them. Did you miss the context of what you were replying to?

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Why does it matter that Sylvanas was a decoy? She wasn’t there to distract Tyrande in the first place, and killing her probably would have been beneficial to the jailer’s plans anyway.


I think the confrontational part is people here are claiming Sylvanas was somehow losing the fight or was at a disadvantage. I don’t see that. I see Sylvanas giving as good as she got and then Tyrande loses.

Listen for a confrontation that has been hyped and a power display of the oh so mighty Night Warrior that can defend planets from legion invasions… this was pretty weak.
If it satisfies you people then good for you. This certainly wasn’t worth the hype that Blizzard made it out to be.

I’m not going to assume that she would have done something we don’t see her do. Sylvanas is trying to get Tyrande off of her and she’s visibly struggling and can’t do it until the power fades. “But what if she-” but she didn’t, so I don’t care.

So what objectively happened is Tyrande lost. Didn’t hurt Sylvannas. And we’re just assuming she’d lose but cant prove it. Im not even saying this is lore accurate, my whole point has been they’ve ignored Tyrande’s insane abilities she had even before being a Night Warrior just so Sylvannas would walk out of this fight whole.

Tell me what, go pick a fight with someone, and when they’re chokeslamming you into the ground and you can’t stop them, see if your first thought is “Haha victory is mine!”


If Tyrande had eliminated Sylvannas right then and there, that would have cost us a promised raid!

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I am sure Valko will spin this as merely surviving Sylvanas is a victory unto itself so count your lucky stars.

Ardenwald was merely a setback!!!


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Would it? Tyrande hasn’t really hindered any of the Jailer’s plans. Also Sylvanas left Bolvar alive, maybe she didn’t want to kill Tyrande.

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Excel sheet it is then…

You’ll have my report by EOD tomorrow.


Btw the way… since we are in the realm of the dead. Wouldn’t Sylvanas dying be pointless? the Jailer can just raise her again. He raised that Valkyr that Tyrande dropped a moon on. so there is precedent.