"9.1 is the worst patch ever"

You are literally the reason why this game is having a mass exodus. Please keep shilling for Blizzard, and see what happens.


That’s great and all, but at least in patch 6.1 my classes were fun to play. Also I didn’t have to jump through 10000 hoops of timegated temporary player power nonsense in order to play my alts.


9.1’s best pvp so far was comp stomp. Technically not even pvp since against NPC bots.

With patience even non rated could get up to 216 slots in vers heavy gear. If only to make the rated slumming in unrated work more for kills lol.


We really have fallen far to stretch this far back just to try making the modern WoW look good.

Can’t wait for New World to drop.


I get where you’re coming from, but I also kinda think its more on Blizzard’s staunch refusal to listen to their playerbase and their affinity for drunk cube crawls that has caused the exodus. Clark just
doesn’t have that kind of power. He’s just a little internet troll.

I understand that, but he’s probably one of those people who buys carries through wow tokens.

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And 9.1 brought us a more boring Pepe that you don’t have to find

At first I thought Clark had a point, but now I’m questioning that. 9.1 could be worse due to the Pepe gap.

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if I did wouldn’t I have a heroic sylvanas kill only by now on my profile? :thinking:

Your profile is hidden, bro.


oh so it is

here you go

you should get better sellers. A 14 and its overtime by enough that you didn’t even get points? Hope you got a refund, bro.


Difference is that WoD offered little content while Shadowlands offered more content than WoD but here is the catch.

The content that Shadowlands provided (namely the open world space) is just mundane and boring, you get rather pretty basic quests like Kill (and loot) x amount of people, collect some thing, cosmetic rewards are meh so its hard to look forward to them (like why would you look forward to a court of harvesters rep mount that is practically a recolor and uses the same saddle as the other horse?), You also get that some weeklies and dailies feel like jobs that you have to keep up with for your character’s progression. Mainly these are the reasons why I have seen people not wanting to do these, 9.1 is still a worse patch with nothing redeeming about it, even if at more content than 6.1

Where as 6.1 on the other hand
 It had Blackrock Foundry (even though it wasn’t ment to be released for 6.1), thats was its redeeming factor, other than that, there is still very little content that WoD had.

This is wrong.

It was over a year before we got the first new raid in WoD. (Year and three months to be exact).

In shadowlands we got it less then a year.

How do you argue against dates?

Players weren’t as demanding as they were back then.

Most patches in WoWs history were just a new raid, dungeon addition, and a couple of dailies.

Now since Legion we get significantly more content. The patches are on the PTR 3 months instead of 1 month in the past.


And he still refuses to tell us what ever happened to Lois lol. We did get a garrison jukebox also :laughing: Sneaking into Undercity to get that music roll was painful, because it was in the dark lady’s throne room hahaha.

Twice is already more
 wot r u talking about

 2x0 is still 0.


guild group, if it was an actual key carry it’d be done, plus all dungeons would be +15

9.1 is probably the worst major patch ever, lets be fair 6.1 should have been 6.0.5


Are we really having a which turd is bigger contest?


Well 6.1 came in at 7.5 courics.