9.1 is the end of the expansion

It’s possible. I think it will end at 9.2. Blizz seems to be sticklers for their two year expansion cycles so possibly one more around January before they move on. I certainly don’t think there will be a 9.3 unless they delay the expansion another year.

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team B = tbc,cata,wod,bfa
Team A= wotlk, mop,legion,SL

come on dude, its the first time team A failed also the first time they have an xpac with no new class they probably are letting team B get a new class for once, aka next xpac tinkerers or dragonsworn or bard or necromancer

We have not even gotten any allied races yet.

yeah its stupid, they give us subraces in bfa (cept vulpera) and claim its not subraces then SL we see so many unique races per covenant and we get 0 and they say no allied races in SL

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3 years dummy

yeah, i’m expecting a new undead and that druid race, forsakken perhaps?


Free to Play

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To my knowledge, this is somewhat of an old wives’ tale that has never been proven to be true outside the forums, but either way, you’re talking about rank-and-file developers and I’m talking about the guys in the C-suite that make the umbrella decisions and give the blue-collars their orders.

As to your comment about new classes, I sure hope you’re right. I see a lot of talk here about how they shouldn’t add classes because they can’t balance the ones they have, but I’ve been here since TBC and balance has never not been a problem. Adding more classes needs to happen, and continue to happen after 10.0, too.

What they’ve described as “tier sets” sounds more like “armor type transmog” than what tier sets used to be.

Pretty sure the Team A/B setup has been officially denied as well.

Please stop making excuses for Blizzard, from the reports I am hearing other companies are having no issues releasing games and content like we are seeing here.


Then I have no idea what reports you’re hearing. The overwhelming majority of the video game industry as a whole has experienced delays ranging from a few weeks to a full year because of the pandemic and even a company as consistent and respected as Nintendo is among the companies affected by this, to the point where we don’t have release dates for VERY BIG games that were announced prior to the pandemic.

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Well, it kinda follows the other Activision duo of Treyarch and Infinity Ward. WoW doesn’t strike me as that different between expansions though. Well, SLs is fairly bizarre with its systems but more of a doubling down on BFA stuff

You mean like how in BFA when they cut two entire storylines worth of warfronts, cut 8.3 in half and made n’zoth a complete joke?

There is absolutely nothing more important to Activision-Blizzard than their quarterly reports and yearly financial statements. They don’t care about your enjoyment, or your game. They care about $$$$ to the exclusion of everything else. That is why Ion repeatedly lies to your face. He lies to you to take your money.


ppl also forget that blizz sends teams from its other games to wow as well

works on wow

works on wow

works on wow
startcraft no longer needs its team so its split
so is hearthstones team its split on downtime

How do you know?

scrap n’zoth zone… and no ny’alotha as a 8.3 zone yeah bfa was cut short plus dragon isles talked and talekd about thru the whole xpac and nowhere to be seen then SL pops so ya cut stuff

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9.2 has been confirmed. I wouldn’t be surprised if they skip 9.3 though.

That’s right OP, next expansion (Rise of Gallywix the Indomitable) will be here sooner than you think!

I’ve heard it will feature exciting new features based on player feedback such as.

Raid: Goldtooth Stronghold will require 10,000 gold or $10 per player to enter, this is to reduce reliance on raiding for gearing!

Time is money friend: The blizzard team still remembers the age old adage of time = money and as such will offer a 10% stat buff (stacks up to 10 times and lasts 6 months) to those who buy a 6 month subscription or pay $7.99 per buff. This is to allow the casual player to challenge even the most elite of raiders on the meters.

And finally the big scoop, the blizzard team has done market research and discovered people eat shop mounts up like a kid in a candy store and thus respond to player demand by making all new mounts in the expansion obtainable from the store only, for your convenience!

That’s all I got for now on these hot scoops, I know its very exciting and you can’t wait for SL to be over but don’t worry, this will all be here soon enough.