9/9M rdps lf new guild

Bump bump it up

I’m still looking!

Hi there, I’m not sure if you’re looking for an Alliance guild, or if you’re looking for a CE guild that gets things done while having an awesome community and fun raiding; if you are, please consider STOIC!

Stoic is an Alliance guild on Proudmoore (transferred from Bonechewer at the end of Legion), and have been active since vanilla. Stoic is a group of gamers primarily focused on mythic progression raiding in World of Warcraft.

We are a LGBT-friendly and inclusive guild, and value teamwork, respect, and being awesome. We are dedicated to building a community that supports each other and allows for lasting friendships within the guild.

Stoic has two raid teams, and one of them, Wipes at 1% (7/9 Mythic), is a cutting-edge team and raids Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 6 pm - 9 pm PST (server time). We have achieved CE since Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel.

We are currently considering applications for all players for the Battle for Dazar’alor, but our highest class needs include:

  • Ranged dps: Shadow priest, Warlock. (We would also consider balance druid.)

We are a (semi-)hardcore raid team. Our goal is to completely clear each raid tier before the next one is released. We expect a high level of dedication and attendance from our members, but are still accommodating of players needing to take a night off occasionally. We want players who enjoy the challenge of cutting-edge mythic raiding, who have a strong personal drive to improve, and the perseverance to commit to clearing out each raid tier.

We keep our roster lean, so that we don’t have to ask too many players to go on standby. We don’t recruit for the bench, but we consider both personal execution as well as raid comp requirements when deciding a group for mythic progression. While we consider ourselves hardcore, we don’t do mandatory split runs, and we try to keep raiding fun but focused.

If you think you’d be a good fit with our team, and are interested in cutting edge raiding in BFA, please apply today at www.stoic.gg

If you have any questions, please get in contact with darkinertia#1386 (btag), AshaGreyjoy#3610 (discord)

♔ Keep Calm ♔ | 8/9M | [H] Spirestone | Late Night
Hey Gar, it looks like you might be a good fit for our guild! We have a long history of clearing cutting edge content and a mature atmosphere. Check us out, and if you like what you see send us an app or contact us so we can chat further. Good luck in your guild search!

> Monday-Thursday 10:00pm - 01:30am EST
We do not do split raids or add extra raid nights.

>Joe (stefanj#1797)
>Rainz (Rainmakerz#1675)
>Loon (Loon#1529)

Apply Here

Our main recruitment thread and logs page
>♔ Keep Calm ♔ 9/9M ♔ LF RDPS, HEALER ♔

Tranquil, 8/9M.

About Us:
Our goal is to clear mythic raid content in an efficient manner and farm CE for mounts. We have people who have raided with us for several years, including top 50 US experience, and we maintain leadership capable of pushing us towards our goals. If you want a team not only active during raid, but also outside of it- this is the place. Exceptional players always wanted.

Raid Times:
• Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8pm – 11pm ET
• (Optional) Sunday: ~8pm– 10pm ET (used as a heroic clear day for sales, gearing alts, and to relax and have fun)
• We do not extend raid times or raid extra days, absent a rare ONE extra pull if the raid feels like we’re close to a kill

• We only raid 9 hours a week, so we want to use those 9 hours efficiently. We expect raiders to use non-raid hours to prepare for upcoming progression in order to minimize wasting progression time.
• We never recruit for the bench. If you are on our roster, you are expected to be able to be brought in any and every fight.
• Enjoy WoW, be active outside of raid hours. Don’t just show up for raid and log out, we want people who want to be part of our community.
• Be open to constructive criticism. Mistakes happen, we expect our raiders to learn quickly from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. Fellow raiders are a resource and we expect one another to use them.
• Toxicity is not welcome. We strive to have a healthy raid environment and expect raiders to work well with one another.

• Battle Tag: Foo#1280, Stealth#1773
• Discord: Foo#5050, Zanerik#6380

Apply here: www.TranquilGuild.com

Progress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Tranquil

Horde - Mal’Ganis

8/9 Mythic T/Th/Sun 9-1 EST
