9/9M - 3 days - Recruiting for 8.2

Wake up dudes. Where’s the moonchickens?

Boomkins are so last week

It’s all about them other dps now

conclave down!!!

Any ret pallies out there?

Rasta is close, ready to be horde again

same, same af

Boomkins? Even DKs?

3 6 mafia AMIRITE

My beard is better than destructives ama

Why do you cultivate on your chin that which grows wild on my ___?

face, on your face.

!!!Boomkin, Spriest, Lock, Paladin!!!

I was told there would be innervates…

Yeah for me. When I go arcane. Get Vrekt

Need some great RDPS apps this weekend folks

Applied. Looking forward to the chat.

Should be great

Should be swell

Lalalalal. Hi. :yum: