9:30 PST 8/8 Mythic LF DPS late night

Bump /Turtlesaredumbbutdragonsarecool

your dumb.

First bump of the day! Come debate about how dragons are better than turtles.

Second Bump.

turtle is smelly

am not…

Bump /Turtlesarestilldumbanddragonsarestillcool

Hi I am interested in joining and I’ve added the battletags. looking forward to hearing from you guys.

my logs

htt ps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/silvermoon/Awn%C3%A0r#
htt ps://raider.io/characters/us/silvermoon/Awn%C3%A0r


Bump /Somethingaboutlameturtles

Bump /turtlessmell

7/8 Mythic, 9:30 PM PST start time.

Open to:
1 ranged DPS (Warlock, Hunter, Mage, or Balance Druid)
1 healer (any class) who can pull reasonable DPS numbers if needed (say, 70% of a full-time DPS)
1 Rogue

New holiday is cool

Big things happening tonight

Grr… 700k wipe on Ghuun. We kill him next time.

7/8 Mythic, 9:30 PM PST start time.

Open to:
1 ranged DPS (Warlock, Hunter, Mage, or Balance Druid)
1 healer (any class) who can pull reasonable DPS numbers if needed (say, 70% of a full-time DPS)
1 Rogue (maybe another - ask!)

Do you smell what the G’huun is cooking? I do, our victory tonight. Come join us for awesome late night raiding.

Yay Ghuun is dead!

8/8 Mythic, 9:30 PM PST start time.

Open to:
1 ranged DPS (Warlock, Hunter, Mage, or Balance Druid)
1 healer (any class) who can pull reasonable DPS numbers if needed (say, 70% of a full-time DPS)
1 Rogue (maybe another - ask!)

Hello I’ve been talking with A3main88 and I’m still interested in joining. I’m sure he can give you better info then I could over this forum post. I would post my logs for you to look at and discuss with your group to see if I would be a decent recruit or not but blizzard wont allow me to link my logs. I would be more then willing to send them to you on discord if you would like. Thanks bud

Hi Track, Thanks for the post. He mentioned you to me last weekend but we’ve been so focused on killing Ghuun (which we did! yay!) that we haven’t had a lot of time to discuss. I’ll talk to him about it tonight!

All good bud I appreciate it. Grats on the Ghuun btw I was watching the stream and rooting for you guys!