[a] frostmourne <sleipnir> friendly raiding social guild

Hey all!
Sleipnir is a Aussie based guild on Gundrak, Jubei’Thos, Frostmourne, Dreadmaul, Thaurissan committed on Community/Raiding and the Social aspect of World of Warcraft. We are a chilled guild that only focus is to make sure you’re getting what you want out of the game and have a comfortable place to do so while making friends!

Guild Aim
We welcome all players even if you don’t want to raid and you want somewhere to hang out. Casuals and socials are welcome as well. We want to make a raid team for heroic and normal progression and Mythic key teams, we do allot more like.

  • Old Content
  • Normal/Heroic Raid Progression
  • Guild Games/Events
  • Mythic Dungeons (including keys)
    And much more

We are currently in the process of making a Core Raid Team. So if you’re interested in raiding then feel free to join us as we get ready for the new adventures. We do not focus on Hardcore raiding… we focus on having fun and progressing, having a laugh and working as a team. Raids at Saturdays and Tuesday 7/30pm -10.30ST

Currently Needed
We currently have some raiders and committed players coming but we’re open for anyone and everyone to come to raid and start off in a Trail period :smiley:

But don’t look at what we need and think i can’t join, that’s not it. We welcome ALL! to the guild… and we could even decide to grow the raid team out and that would be amazing!

So if you’re interested in join us. Or you have more questions please let us know! :slightly_smiling_face:

Shatarii / misskit88#1899 (Bnet) - Guild Master
Kitemasta / killa2012#6437 (Bnet) - Officer/Raid Leader
Natsukurama / Natsu#13793 (Bnet) - Recruitment/Community Officer

Are you guys still recruiting ?